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Last Call ... surf_rider56's Customs Options
Posted: Monday, November 19, 2012 1:34:31 PM
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Awesome new cards Surf! I'm really digging the Sandtrooper ones! Hope you have a good holiday week brother. Looking forward to your next batch of cards. ThumpUp
Posted: Monday, November 19, 2012 5:40:12 PM
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Well, the idea of the Galactic Center/Coruscant theme didn't seem to draw any interest so I came up with

On the Edge of the Unknown Regions

Kinda leaves the Outer Rim title open for a review/new addition to my Outer Rim sub faction, yet leaves the field open for pretty much anything. Also, while the thread has been quiet, in-between grading papers I surfed to let my brain go dead and came up with a ton of new pics/ideas. So, first up .....

Terentatek I found this pic months ago but while organizing the backburner, I thought I'd dust this off and cut it loose. They seemed quite a fun idea.

Broonmark, Talz Sith Warrior Another piece that I've been waiting for a slot to fit him in. I normally try to avoid unique pieces, unless they're major characters, but this guy needed to stay unique so, hey, a Talz Sith. It's unique in its own way anyway ....

Abyssin Mercenary A rare Abyssin, but otherwise a fodder piece.

Adnerem Lowlife This pic has actually been floating around the net for awhile and I've never used it because there's so little about the Adnerem. Lowlife seemed a good fit ...

Bitthaevrian Warrior The Bitthaevrian pic was a composite I put together. An interesting species, they're melee warriors yet the pic had a gun, so I made him a better as a melee piece; cheap melee fodder.

Flesh Raider WEll, how can you not a name like that. Even if its not specifically Sith, it still sounds fun. I figured Vornskr only bigger, intelligent and without the poison/paralysis.

Gotal Mercenary Grenadier So few Gotal's and I wated to do a character with EMP grenades for fun.

Herglic Bodyguard Again, so few Heglic's that I had to include him. They probably make great bodyguards.

Nagai Blade Master I'm trying to use less seen species if possible since this is an Outer Regions theme. Nagai were into knives so this seemed appropriate.

Outer Rim Hunt Master I loved this pic when I first saw it. I thought the tracker/snare rifle would make a nice combination.

Sarkan Elder When I read up on the Sarkans, I noticed they had a time consuming set of rituals and ried to think how I could incorporate them; I'm not sure if the Ritual Greeting SA is workable or worth it, but its an idea.

Sarkan Guardsman .... the Sarkan's come in three's and they all can't be old.

Selonian Warrior A complimentary piece to go with the Selonian Trader from a few months back.

Troig Diplomatic Pilot I did a Troig Jedi a few months ago and I thought I'd use this one. The name popped into my head when i thought of the opwning scene on Phantom Menace with the pilot on the Jedi Diplomatc ship. Giving him Diplomat was too much but being cheaper, a pilot and a repairman sounded ok.

Vaunku, Anx Wanderer I did an Anx Jedi 6-8 months ago; not much in Wook on the species other than their uniquely powerful voices. I thought Booming Voice might be interesting (Relay Orders makes it a tad less unique) but I also didn't want to make a broken piece and have non-unique pieces with the SA, so I created a unique Anx with the SA, Fringe and not quite as cheap.

Whiphid Comm Technician Continuing my rare species binge, a Whiphid with an old SA Comm ability of mine.

Yevethan Noble My last Yevethan pic that I've been saving, three should round out a group nicely.

Yuuzhan Vong Consul My last two pieces; I rarely do Vong because good pics are rare and frankly, that New Order species was my least favorite EU story arc. Don't know enough about them to make them as well as I'd like ...
Having said that, I found a great head that would go well with a body with a much poorer head so I created this piece. Sort of a Vong version of an acquisitions/quartermaster type. I hope it works with the other Vong out there; I've never counted, but I bet the V-Set guys have released more Vong than WOTC.

Chazrach Warrior While researching the Chazrach on Wook I came upon the idea tha some Chazrach were deemed worthy enough to be warriors. The V-Set Chaz seemed too general apiece to be called a warrior; this pic was very warlike so I went with the Warrior distinction over the generic Chazrach piece. Heck if I know if I'm right but its fun to try anyway! BigGrin

Well, my Tatooine themed set only got a handful of responses (Thanks Koba and Squelch) so maybe this set will bring up a comment or two; any comments are always appreciated and Happy Turkey Day to one and all BlooMilk
Posted: Tuesday, November 20, 2012 6:23:53 AM
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I really like the Talz Sith, is that a character from somewhere or did you create him?

Also, if I may ask, why do you stay away from Uniques in general? Confused
Posted: Tuesday, November 20, 2012 8:08:40 AM
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corranhorn wrote:
I really like the Talz Sith, is that a character from somewhere or did you create him?

Also, if I may ask, why do you stay away from Uniques in general? Confused

The Talz is from the online Old Republic game and is a Sith companion. I literally used the same name just to keep it simple.

While I've occassionally done unique's of bigtime figures (Chewbacca, Galactic Hero, Rahm Kota, Leader of the Alliance, etc) I try to stay away from "small" figures unless they're of a specific EU character (Chrin, Royal Naboo Security Force) because I don't want to create Joe, the Smuggler. I actually have a fair sized group of uniques in my older cards and if I ever revamp my cards I may release some of the better ones.
Posted: Tuesday, November 20, 2012 2:35:25 PM
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Loving the theme and new cards Surf. ThumpUp My only concern/input is The Nagai Blade Master seems a little under priced, but that's just my 2 cents dude. Wink Just thought I'd throw that out there for you to consider. Keep up the great work brother. ThumbsUp I still got quite a few of your older posts to go back through. You post them faster than I can read through them. lol Laugh
Posted: Tuesday, November 20, 2012 2:58:33 PM
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SquelchDog wrote:
Loving the theme and new cards Surf. ThumpUp My only concern/input is The Nagai Blade Master seems a little under priced, but that's just my 2 cents dude. Wink Just thought I'd throw that out there for you to consider. Keep up the great work brother. ThumbsUp I still got quite a few of your older posts to go back through. You post them faster than I can read through them. lol Laugh

When I looked at the Nagai, the only WOTC piece that had Evade and Parry was Jarael, who's cost is 23; If I made him at 10, the question would be is Jarael twice as good and the answer is heck yes, cloer to 2 1/2 times better ... ergo the 8. The way shooters rack up kills a 20 pt melee piece with a D of 16 would be lucky to get off 1 attack, unless you roll like I did my last game but lets not go there ........ RollEyes
Posted: Tuesday, November 20, 2012 3:37:16 PM
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surf_rider56 wrote:
SquelchDog wrote:
Loving the theme and new cards Surf. ThumpUp My only concern/input is The Nagai Blade Master seems a little under priced, but that's just my 2 cents dude. Wink Just thought I'd throw that out there for you to consider. Keep up the great work brother. ThumbsUp I still got quite a few of your older posts to go back through. You post them faster than I can read through them. lol Laugh

When I looked at the Nagai, the only WOTC piece that had Evade and Parry was Jarael, who's cost is 23; If I made him at 10, the question would be is Jarael twice as good and the answer is heck yes, cloer to 2 1/2 times better ... ergo the 8. The way shooters rack up kills a 20 pt melee piece with a D of 16 would be lucky to get off 1 attack, unless you roll like I did my last game but lets not go there ........ RollEyes

lol Laugh Yeah I see what your saying dude. Coming from that perspective he does seem fair and appropriately priced. The dice are always against me brother. I gotta buy some new ones. I never roll worth a crud every time I play. lol LOL
Posted: Tuesday, November 20, 2012 4:21:16 PM
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surf_rider56 wrote:
corranhorn wrote:
I really like the Talz Sith, is that a character from somewhere or did you create him?

Also, if I may ask, why do you stay away from Uniques in general? Confused

The Talz is from the online Old Republic game and is a Sith companion. I literally used the same name just to keep it simple.

While I've occassionally done unique's of bigtime figures (Chewbacca, Galactic Hero, Rahm Kota, Leader of the Alliance, etc) I try to stay away from "small" figures unless they're of a specific EU character (Chrin, Royal Naboo Security Force) because I don't want to create Joe, the Smuggler. I actually have a fair sized group of uniques in my older cards and if I ever revamp my cards I may release some of the better ones.

Ah, makes sense.
Posted: Wednesday, November 21, 2012 6:32:02 AM
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The troig, the anx, the Herglic and the Flesh Raider in particular all stand out of this batch.
I think i have some fodder to attempt a Flesh Raider custom sometime down the line, some hasslefree "alien head" work perfectly for the face.
I will probably build a separatist themed army around the Anx...

Any chance of an Ergesh jedi shrub? BigGrin
Great work as ever, and thanks for sharing another great batch
Bob Chizo
Posted: Wednesday, November 21, 2012 1:45:38 PM
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The Flesh Raider looks amazing, and it could bring the hurt on a Jedi that got too near, but my favorite new one is the Outer Rim Hunt Master, the pic is awesome, and Expert Tracker is useful at only 11 points. I enjoy your cards , as they involve lesser seen aliens in the Star Wars galaxy. Keep up the good work.
~Bob ChizoBlooMilk
Posted: Wednesday, November 21, 2012 2:30:51 PM
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Bob Chizo wrote:
The Flesh Raider looks amazing, and it could bring the hurt on a Jedi that got too near, but my favorite new one is the Outer Rim Hunt Master, the pic is awesome, and Expert Tracker is useful at only 11 points. I enjoy your cards , as they involve lesser seen aliens in the Star Wars galaxy. Keep up the good work.
~Bob ChizoBlooMilk

I've never played the Old Republic online game so I'm guessing at what a Flesh Raider could do; I was hoping for a dangerous creaure that should die quickly; do weaker a Force user you are (padawan) the more dangerous, and a good Jedi Master should be able to dispatch one quick.

Yea, I loved the Hunt Master pic too and unlike the Rodian Hunt Master, I wanted to bring a more "Hunter" like feel to him and a good hunter is also a good tracker so ... a good Big Game hunter type.

Other than my Rodian Clan characters I tried to Not use the usual 5-6 species that seem to make up the majority of non-humans I've got tons of Rodian, Twi'lek, Duros, Bothan, etc. pics but unless I'm going for something specific I try for the little seen EU non-humans; the RPG lurkers probably love me because of that Cool

Appreciate the comments ....

kobayashimaru wrote:
The troig, the anx, the Herglic and the Flesh Raider in particular all stand out of this batch.
I will probably build a separatist themed army around the Anx...

Any chance of an Ergesh jedi shrub? BigGrin
Great work as ever, and thanks for sharing another great batch

I saw somewhere that there was talk of another V-Set piece getting Booming Voice down the road; there's been talk about a new BV powered character for years. Is he expensive enough? I wanted to make him cheap enough to use but not so cheap that it doesn't sting a touch costwise; had to make him a unique, otherwise you could get a couple and never have to worry about losing/guarding just the one.

I actually have an Ergesh piece; I never released it because it's B&W and I like using color pics .... and its not s shrub, more of a bush with tentacles ......
Posted: Saturday, December 1, 2012 3:08:02 PM
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I've got too many interesting pics piling up and the aborted Coruscant cards keep staring at me so I've decided to clear them off so I can concentration on my next set, theme to be determined.
I was going to include a Cantina and Senate section but went with more of a crime setup since I didn't want to create a million Senators/Senate aides.

Balosar Slythmonger Big city drug dealer. Could've used her in another theme but Balosar's aren't plentiful so .....

Bith Private Investigator I tried thinking about what a P.I. would do in a city; investigate crimes, discover secrets, or in other word, a spy. I decided to roll with an anti-Disruptive ability to make him interesting.

The next couple of pieces were the core of the Galactic Center - Coruscant theme; the security force of the capital.

Clone Riot Trooper The crowd control version of the Clone Trooper's.

Coruscant Security Force The regular, human cops of the city. I thought about making him with an Affinity for the OR but oh well .......

Coruscant Guard Commander I thought I'd try to juice up the Coruscant Guads a bit. They'd be interesting pieces with a little work. I violated my own rule about using only color pics but its the only pic I could find that was suitable.

Coruscant Police Droid A rather useless piece on the TV show, but I thought they might be useful for someone somewhere ....

Inspector Tan Divo There's a trick to making someone useful and useless at the same time. Nute Gunray was a perfect example. Don't know if Divo is any good, or if I captured his useful/uselessness, but I had to try.

Swokes Swokes Courtesan Matron While she's nothing special, she's a Swokes Swokes, which is rare, but I had a perverse enjoyment of naming her a " Courtesan Matron" just because it sounded a little strange .....

Kalista-Equitar KE-2Speeder I vaguely remember somebody wanted/requested some ground vehicles, so here's a speeder ......

Clone Sand Trooper This is actually a leftover from the Tatooine theme that I'd lost temporarily. Just a Clonetrooper pic with a Tatooine feel with Imp Sandtrooper stats.

Well, I've got some fun pieces coming in a week or so. I hope this tides people over till then. Comments always welcome and appreciated.

Posted: Monday, December 3, 2012 4:21:52 PM
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A great batch! The republic got a lot of neat pieces with this batch, and that Swokes Swokes is pretty neat. I think that species lends itself readily to sith themed pieces... BigGrin
Divo is suitably useful and useless; especially when combined with Kazdan Paratus.
Posted: Tuesday, December 4, 2012 1:20:49 PM
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kobayashimaru wrote:
A great batch! The republic got a lot of neat pieces with this batch, and that Swokes Swokes is pretty neat. I think that species lends itself readily to sith themed pieces... BigGrin
Divo is suitably useful and useless; especially when combined with Kazdan Paratus.

Well, thank you Koba ... and if you like this batch you may really enjoy the next one, which I'll release before dinner tonight; the wife needs for Xmas light purposes for a few hours ......BigGrin
Posted: Tuesday, December 4, 2012 2:51:34 PM
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Well, tis the season to get a cold, so here I sit. In between reading and watching sports on the tube, I polished off these lil gems. I gotta admit I like some of these and hope I didn't go too overboard on some of them.

I asked a question over on the General thread to gauge where the factions were in regards to there relative strengths to each other. No major surprises in the first three, the most powerful being the Imps, Republic and Seps. I thought The NR was still ahead of the Sith (wrong) with the OR somehere around them (surprise, surprise they're ahead of those two.) What really surprised me was that the Rebels had fallen so low! The Mandos and Vong have built in weaknesses, (Mando's being all firepower/not much melee and the Vong all melee/not much firepower) and of course neither with any real Force abilities. But the Rebels really threw me.

I've refrained from doing much for either the Rebels or Vong; I didn't think the Rebs needed anything and I'm no Vong expert (plus good Vong pics are hard to find) so after this news I hit both a little harder than normal. I've even hit the New Republic with a couple, tossed on a Mando or two, a Black Sun, and a few stray, strange Jedi. Going against my norm, 2/3 of this group is Not Fringe. Needless to say, there's no theme to this set, other than its themelessness. In alpha order ....

Aleena Podracer Here I promise something different, and the first one's a harmless Aleena piece. What can I say, I like the pic ....

Bivall Intelligence Officer I didn't want to just give him Cloak; that would've just been the Mando piece from the V-Set. But he's weak enough to kill if based and should be able to "hide" well enough from a ranged attack. Its a thought.

Black Sun Executioner Thought I'd wave my Black Sun faction Card. Easily made into a Fringe if necessary. A Black Sun piece to go to war with against the Hutt Cartel.

Cerean Scout on Aryx Sort of a Tauntaun with a Cerean twist for the New Republic and Old Republic.

Charon Warrior Wasn't really sure what to do with the "antilife" bent of the Charon, but he was a request.

Chistori Thug A rare Chistori. He was actually hard to cobble together, needing a head and arm swap. just a vicious brute, the kind the Hutts would use.

Commander Kapp Dendo As I was researching the SpecForce, I bumped into him. Winter's "partner" during many Rebel adventures, I debated giving him to the NR because of Winter being there but opted instead to make him a Rebel SpecForce leader with Winter coming to the Rebs. Something to help the SpecForce be better I hope.

Devaronian Adventurer Another cobbled together pic, and the character is sort of a Jack-of-all-trades piece, being able to do a little of everything; I'm wondering if my Endurance SA was worded ok; I wanted him to be able to move 2 extra spaces before he calls it a done deal, kinda like Leia, Senator's CE movement.

[b Ergesh Jedi Master[/b] A request; but you can only do so mush as a walking plant; couldn't see a plant making a Force Leap BigGrin ......

[b Ithorian Healer[/b] Personally, I think all Ithorian's should have the sonic disabling cry's according to Wook's descriptions, but instaed of Momaw War Throat, I gave him an Ithorian SA that just activates people nearby, not damaging them; indiscriminate enough that you need to be careful. After all, Healers should "Do No Harm."

Mandalorian Blade Instructor There are a handful of Mando melee pieces; I'm wondering if this guy could help them more competative against melee Sith and Jedi pieces?

Mandalorian Scout Commander Somehoe, with all the Tech and training this warrior society has I find it hard to believe they don't know how to Recon an enemies position before hitting it. The argument that they shot first ask questions later sound more like the Death Watch.

Rebel Command Tactician The Rebels had some very good Tactician's, yet no Mini's with the Tactician SA. I also made him with some other interesting abilities/CE's. Curious to see if these help the Rebs.

Rishii Jedi Knight I tripped over this pic while surfing and since its a rare species .....

Roonan Agent Just a rare Roonan that's a Rebel troublemaker ...

SpecForce Group Leader I think the SpecForeces could help the Rebels if they can lay down enough firepower to keep melee pieces away.

Elom Gunman Another new pic I tripped over surfing, another new species. Changed the name and out of order but all my cards are "out of order ...."

Yarkura Trooper Not my best head swap, but I wanted another Yarkora and he was requested.

I don't know if I've ever had three Vong pieces in a set before, but I found a few and they needed help. Not being a Vong man by any means, its hard to figure out what they need (ranged attacks) and what they can actually use yet stay within the species issues. Will any of these really help? heck if I know .....

Yuuzhan Vong High Priest I tried focusing on the Vong hatred of technology; I wanted the Droid Fanaticism but a little more extreme and possibly a little more controlled than the gained Savage from Fanaticism. Not being privy to the V-Set discussions on this sort of thing, I am free to extrapolate to my hearts content .....

Yuuzhan Vong Pilot Well, ... somebody had to be driving those Vong ships around .... I thought I'd give them Magma Pebble; it seemed like a good Vong ranged weapon and Vong pilots already are doing something most Vong don't do anyway .....

Yuuzhan Vong Prefect I wanted to create a Vong piece that was a pain. The intendant caste besides logistical supply were also spys and scouts. A little rapport with workers, add a dash of spy/recon and ......

I know this is a lot to take in, and right on the heels of my last release, but hey, they were burning a hole in my computer. They seemed like good ideas at the time .... Comments, always welcome, throwing rotten fruit and veggies is cool too I suppose; any reaction is better than none. BigGrin

Posted: Wednesday, December 5, 2012 5:12:22 AM
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Hahahah, SCORE! All my XMAS's have come at once; you've done it again Surf! BigGrin
Thank you very much for this piece, it will need a custom mini when ive the time to make one.
The Ergesh has a perfect picture, AND has MOTF 2!

Regaining some composure,
The Rishii (of the Rishii Maze?) is an interesting jedi build; very quick and dodges a lot of attacks of opportunity.
I am also astonished that the rebels have lost their vanguard status, and are at the dull edge of the power creep state of the metagame. Theres a lot of solid pieces in this most recent booster which will have them in fighting shape. Some of the specific interactions between pieces i cant point out, as Im away from the game a little at the moment. However, Thanks to Kazdan Paratus and the droid builds with Gha Nackt, I think the rebels can be a half-sep force to be reckoned with anyway. Its probably more mid-tier units and force users that are in need in the Rebel faction, since there are heaps of low tier and a few high tier options.

Perhaps more subfactions synergies and rapport could be the answer, after all, it was a Rebel Alliance.
Alternately, a new special ability or commander effect could be made which shifts the meta. Being able to, after setup but before the first activation, alter the terrain (such as a wall here or some impassable terrain there...) would be fun. Changing where VPs come from or changing the objectives for the mission would be good for a bait piece with Draw Fire on it, or altering the way VPs are calculated per mini defeated could be ways to make innovative new CEs.

All in all, great work and I look forward to seeing what else is in store.
Posted: Wednesday, December 5, 2012 7:28:36 AM
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So, Koba, don't be so shy, tell if you liked anything? Cool

Actually, I'm hoping this Rebel group helps them a bit in some way, as hopefully do the new Vong and the New Republic pieces.

AS for changing the meta; geez .... that's a big order that the V-Setters should take on, not me. I'm a one man operation and cann't take in the big picture, just my own little corner of it. They'll see it much more clear than I ever would.

Did you think "Commit the Reserves" has the Rebel taste of desperation in it?
Posted: Thursday, December 6, 2012 10:04:07 AM
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Awesome job on your last two sets Surf! ThumpUp Looking good man, keep up the great work. Smile
Posted: Thursday, December 6, 2012 8:28:16 PM
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SquelchDog wrote:
Awesome job on your last two sets Surf! ThumpUp Looking good man, keep up the great work. Smile

Thanks. Anything in particular you liked? I only ask to know what works or needs work ...
Posted: Friday, December 7, 2012 2:26:34 PM
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Liked them all Surf. ThumpUp I saved them so we can try them out in our home Campaigns. Wink Usually what I do with most all your cards. Smile Problem I run into is having stand in mini's to represent your cards. I need to get going on my custom figs. Your latest batch gave me a few idea's for custom stand ins. ThumbsUp
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