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cad bane to me is a little over priced but thats just me. the super stealth idea is awsome i think but i can see the argument he doesnt need it realy with the rest of the good defsive abiltys he has. personaly i havnt found a good spot for him yet hes just to expensive and i dont feel satified with him for 54 when i can get dash for 28 i play mostly 150 and he just doesnt fit well into it i think. but to the question of who will i play him with i think Nom anor he might be a good back up to my whiphed trackers
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Cost 54 base 10 atk 80 hp 19. All you have to is base with something that can do 80 Damage. If bane is vs droids at 200 have fun hitting 24/28 in cover mice. He is a nice piece just really cant figure out how he will be your second weapon at 54 points.
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Mandalore Da Beast wrote:BFBH gets uber play all of the time, at 62 points.
Hey, look, another piece that is overplayed by a lot of people. Just like Cad Bane will be. Make no mistake, Cad Bane is a fine piece. But you have to look at his very serious drawbacks. At 54 pts, he has VERY low HP, a very low attack, and no Accurate, which will kill his damage output. At least Han, Scoundrel has Accurate to boost his Atk/Dam. There are some nice combos as well. However, it begs the question: How many points do I need to spend to make a 54pt piece worth his cost? In far too many examples, too many for the top teir. Though they will still be fun squads, don't mistake that for a competitive option.
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Jonnyb815 wrote:Cost 54 base 10 atk 80 hp 19. All you have to is base with something that can do 80 Damage. If bane is vs droids at 200 have fun hitting 24/28 in cover mice. He is a nice piece just really cant figure out how he will be your second weapon at 54 points. Republic Towed Dash can do that 80 damage (pre-GaW) from up to 20sqrs away..and that's basing Bane so no Evade...and only needing 5's to hit. That combo is only 37pts and you get Override to boot. Towed Rex would be 18sqrs needing 7's...for 42pts.
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To Mandalore Da Beast & Draconarius: Please edit your posts to remove comments directly attacking (or leading to it) another member. If you do not edit them, then I will for you.
Take it to PMs guys and keep it off the forums...
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I agree with Johnnyb815 and Billiv, Cad is a fun piece but does little to improve any squad to justify his 54 point cost. Slow Cannon would take him out pretty easily and so would a rex republic squad. Pretty much any squad that has movement breaks and a piece that can do 80 dmg will take Cad out pretty easily and if he is half your beat in any squad... game over. Will I play him... maybe but not competitively.
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billiv15 wrote:I believe Jonny is reflecting a commonly held opinion among the top level Gamers on Cad's affect on top tier play. And I believe he is correct in that regard. Cad will be popular, but I highly doubt you will ever see Cad, Nyna and Thrawn at the top tables at Gencon next year :)
I think, all "top teir" stuff in the middle, respectfully, I have to call this faulty. or at least bordeline faulty(I will conceed you added "I highly doubt! :) ) conjecture. Based purely on the amount of sets we haven't seen that will come between here and next Gencon. This time of year (shortly after the last championships, new set coming out) is universally the worst time of year to determine the value of the new set, as far as competative play goes. I'm not just talking SWM here, but every single collectible game I've eer played on a competition level. The new set after Gencon is always sort of a grey area for awesomeness, untill we see what the rest of the year gives ys. That said, I'm running Cad with Nyna, Palpazan(palp on throne) , and Thrawn. Because i like to run everything I can with Palps and Thrawn, and flight+ss is hillarious to me.
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I ran cad bane Imperial SS last night its pretty fun to play but cad at 150 in touneys i dont see quite yet.
Whenever a piece like this comes out everyone tries to find ways to use them with everyone, just like we did with dash or rebel lukes levitation.
What i'm really excited about is what new CE's in the upcoming sets we will have for cad just like we had when bothan nobles came out for BFBH. There will be many new and cool things to do with cad bane all we need is a little time for him to set in.
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I think I am going to play Cad in DD with Professor Katarn.
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I'm not big on Cad Bane and other overpowered units. I actually like to challenge myself so I wont use him that much.
I'd probably just use Bane and Xizor with some Vigos and Aqualish Assassins.
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He's a 200 piece at best. Too much of your squad in 150 to find his way into the top tier game IMHO. That HP to cost ratio is huge. I like him, but I wouldn't bother with him at 150. He will need a good melee beat to complement him in any squad.
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If you are going to delete entire posts of mine, an explanation might be in order. Also, you might want to remove the post where a guy said I needed to apologize for him saying I was acting like a Nazi, and me finding that to be over the top. Perhaps removing where he says, "I don't like him". Or maybe the responses to my post which he clearly shows he doesn't know how to read what someone wrote.
Just a helpful modding hint.
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billiv15 wrote:If you are going to delete entire posts of mine, an explanation might be in order. Also, you might want to remove the post where a guy said I needed to apologize for him saying I was acting like a Nazi, and me finding that to be over the top. Perhaps removing where he says, "I don't like him". Or maybe the responses to my post which he clearly shows he doesn't know how to read what someone wrote.
Just a helpful modding hint. We appreciate your helpful modding tips, but I personally believe in as little modding as possible if we can help it. He didn't say you were acting like a nazi, he said "ever since he accused me of calling him a Nazi on these boards." He said that you said that he said you were a nazi, implying that he actually hadn't (not that I know one way or the other). And I don't think he was calling for an apology either. But these kind of things should be worked out in the BM system, not a thread about Cad Bane... I think people are entitled to say what they do and do not like on these boards; however, personal attacks are not permitted.
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Is no one an acceptable answer? If I pull one, I'm using him as trade bait to get half the set.
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Eroschilles wrote:billiv15 wrote:If you are going to delete entire posts of mine, an explanation might be in order. Also, you might want to remove the post where a guy said I needed to apologize for him saying I was acting like a Nazi, and me finding that to be over the top. Perhaps removing where he says, "I don't like him". Or maybe the responses to my post which he clearly shows he doesn't know how to read what someone wrote.
Just a helpful modding hint. We appreciate your helpful modding tips, but I personally believe in as little modding as possible if we can help it. He didn't say you were acting like a nazi, he said "ever since he accused me of calling him a Nazi on these boards." He said that you said that he said you were a nazi, implying that he actually hadn't (not that I know one way or the other). And I don't think he was calling for an apology either. But these kind of things should be worked out in the BM system, not a thread about Cad Bane... I think people are entitled to say what they do and do not like on these boards; however, personal attacks are not permitted. I think the point he was trying to make was to be sure and remove both sides of it. After years of being an admin and mod it is important not to do things like wizards. You dont want to mod where the first person who says something gets away with it but the person who responds to trolling or baiting gets nailed. Then you have a modding issue and not a poster issue. The guy did accuse Bill of acting like a Nazi for asking him to stay on topic. Then when Bill tried to explain what a personal real life friend meant by his post (jonnyb) this guy laid into him. Bill was just explaining and if you read the rest of his post he responded to the original question in the thread. That is a little over the top kind of reaction to someone clarifying anothers post. This makes two threads this guy has come at Bill for no real good reason. So I think he is wanting to make sure that: 1. You guys connect the dots as this is happening from thread to thread. 2. Make sure you are getting the guy who is being personal. 3. That all posts that are personal attacks are taken care of not just the response to the personal attack. But that is up to you guys.
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Personally....I don't see where Bill attacked anyone. I know some posts were deleted, but I don't see the attacks now. In his origianal post about 'top tier', he even put smiley faces after his comments. People are taking others opinions as personal attacks on the boards. If you think someone is attacking you personally, stop posting on the thread and PM them about it. I would bet that 99% of the time you will be able to work out the difference and see the person wasn't really attacking, but just posting there view. And if they seem to be attacking in all your posts....contact one of the mods and let them know you tried to work it out, but all for naught, and let them handle the person.
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Thread updated to here. -Huk __________________________ Please continue discussing the usefulness/unusefulness of Cad Bane...
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EXACTLY! Back to Bane . . . No cheap way to give him Accurate, unfortunately. What about this: --New B&B-- 71 Darth Vader, Legacy of the Force 54 Cad Bane 33 Emperor Palpatine on Throne 32 Thrawn (Mitth'raw'nuruodo) 18 Moff Nyna Calixte 13 Chagrian Mercenary Commander 13 Czerka Scientist 8 Mas Amedda 8 R7 Astromech Droid (250pts. 9 activations) I thought Palpatine for FP in case he needs 'em for Evade reroll, Vader gives another attack (2 with his Twin) and Vader in all-around useful, Thrawn for the Opportunist, Czerka for the Jolt (so if bane hits the first time with Jolt he can get opportunist on Twin-generated attack), Chagrian Mercenary C for the +20 if he crits, R7 for general door control. Nyna will make him even harder to hit, thus keeping him around longer. URL is http://www.bloomilk.com/Squads/View.aspx?ID=62026
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Zalkrie wrote:Personally....I don't see where Bill attacked anyone. What I did was suggest that Mandalore "couldn't read" because his comments and rant on my post don't follow any of my arguments. The first paragraph was simply an explanation of what a real life friend was saying, who isn't always clear. The rest of it, was answering the question of the thread. To be even more clear, I consider 0 Cad squad to be top tier competitive right now, with the Vong option being the most promising. Yet I talked about 4-5 squads I plan to run Cad in in my post. If all I was talking about was top tier play, you would have seen a very different post. Mandalore read what he wanted from it, and this from a guy who pmed me less than a month ago on here, to ask for my help making his Cad/Nyna Imperial squad a winner because, "I really need to win with this". So in private, he wants my help, but in public he gets to berate me for being too competitively focused? Even when I wasn't even talking about competitive play? That's over the top. Further, the mods deleted the discussion in the other thread, but it was this. The OP asked who the best of the best in SWMs were. A couple of people went off on a tangent for multiple posts about musical taste. At one point, as it was taking over the thread, I posted, "Guys, can you please move the musical conversation to another place, it is off-topic for this forum and this thread, and disrespectful to the OP". Mando then compared my behavior to that of the Nazis. Several of us said that was over the top and offensive. And this is where his reference in this thread comes from. I have no idea how it is that he thinks I need to apologize for his statements. Oh and I would worry about being too far off topic, but this is the OP also said in that rant, that the posters in a thread have a right to take it anywhere they please. :)
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billiv15 wrote: The OP asked who the best of the best in SWMs were. A couple of people went off on a tangent for multiple posts about musical taste. At one point, as it was taking over the thread, I posted, "Guys, can you please move the musical conversation to another place, it is off-topic for this forum and this thread, and disrespectful to the OP". Mando then compared my behavior to that of the Nazis. Several of us said that was over the top and offensive. And this is where his reference in this thread comes from. I have no idea how it is that he thinks I need to apologize for his statements. Oh and I would worry about being too far off topic, but this is the OP also said in that rant, that the posters in a thread have a right to take it anywhere they please. :)
The bolded part above was very appropriate. Bloo Milk now has a section dedicated to "off-topic" discussions...
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