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Last Call ... surf_rider56's Customs Options
Posted: Monday, November 7, 2011 2:19:12 AM
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kobayashimaru wrote:
Nice work! These are top notch!
I got an idea while looking at your Sing custom -- you've gotta make a custom J'Mikel stat card next haha,
so I can recreate that scene from the comic book... BigGrin

Seriously though, nice work on all the customs. I think Yareal may be a little over powered (given his appearance in Robot Chicken)
Illusion works for him, Im thinking force asetic though to balance that piece out.

I'm liking the fringe pieces, may have to try making the mechanic...
Any chance you'll make stats for any of the random droids in the universe? the Different R-series, etc

Interesting idea about the Force Ascetic; I gave him BM because Wook had it as one of his abilities, but Oppo has it too; dull having two like that; maybe take out BM and put in something else + Ascetic

J'mikel card .... actually looked for an Anx pic I liked. R-Series? I made a R-9 awhile ago and 2,4. & 5 were mini's; which one did you have in mind?

Thoughts on which Aurra pic I should use?
Posted: Monday, November 7, 2011 5:31:48 AM
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Hey surf rider, loving the new cards man. Great job on them! Keep'em coming dude! ThumbsUp
Posted: Monday, November 7, 2011 9:44:06 AM
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some very cool stuff in there man
Posted: Monday, November 7, 2011 1:21:18 PM
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Thank you for the praise gentlemen; any critique on anything?

@Koba ... In honor of your Anx Figure Koba, I threw this together. Wasn’t much about J'mikel so I made a generic Anx Jedi.

Through this together while thinking about the Anx ….

R-Series in particular Koba?
Posted: Monday, November 7, 2011 4:04:11 PM
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Wow! That anx jedi is AWESOME! Thanks, now I can re-create that epic battle... BigGrin
I'll have to try and make a mini that looks more like the reference image on the card you've made (eventually); there are like 6 ref images for anx jedi... That way my jedi Star Wars 40K army can have some more diversity.

The Bounty Hunter also is nicely built, but if with a Master Plo Koon squad also gains evade... I'll have to look at what other synergy options there are, but at this stage Its fairly safe to say that Shahan Alama is a balanced piece.

The R-Series I was looking for were the 'weird' ones: the box shaped one, the one with a conical head (R6 or R7 methinks), and maybe a 'heavy duty' or pirate-modified R-Unit... They always struck me as under-represented in minis terms. They could have been explored; heck maybe even a sub faction...
I use the R2 units as a proxy for a 'Techmarine' or Techpriest in my SW40K hybrid.

Are there any pieces from the WotC game you'd want to see re-balanced? Particularly in the light of the latest fan released set...
Also, what are your thoughts on the ill-fated Starship Battles set? How could vehicles (particularly air support) be brought into the SWM game?
One final question (for the moment...); have you come across or thought up any scenarios/missions for minis? I have the Clone Strike Ultimate Missions, the free add ons from the old WotC site and have been adapting RPG settings to minis for some time.

Posted: Tuesday, November 8, 2011 2:07:43 PM
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About scenario’s; I’ve always thought that you could take old D&D scenario’s and change them around to Star Wars EU scenario’s. Example’s

Generic people/places that don’t need much differentiation.

Deserted area’s (Forests, deserts, deserted towns, building, ports.)

Crooked merchants
Evil wizards = Sith

Maybe one of those “Book of Lairs” could be changed.

Thinking about a either a spaceport or jungle ambush between the Empire and a merc group made out of custom mini’s and 40k Imperial Guard troops as the merc force.

I remember in the computer game “Empire At War” the Rebs or Imps could call in Tie or Y-Wing bomber runs; perhaps use models for that? Create/utilize some models as dropships and have them either used as either targets or objectives. In a epic sized game use them as transport to move around a board, with opportunities for movement, AA defense, boarding & disembarking …. Haven’t had an opportunity to try that but I can see the potentials in some of these.

Been meaning to try my hand at this guy. Not much info on Wook about him although I’ve read the comic. He might be a bit powerful for someone who hadn’t been a practicing Jedi Master for quite awhile, but … he’s A Skywalker.

I’ve got a few pics of non human Jedi; may toss out a few in coming days.

Posted: Saturday, November 12, 2011 3:43:34 AM
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I seem to be on a roll, not sure if this is good or not … hmmm … no comments on Rawk? Oh well.

@Koba; You asked for some Dark Jedi. I did these two a few years ago, not sure if I ever posted them. Not imaginatively named.

I seem to be on a Selkath kick. I always liked the Human Force Adept and thought it had so many possibilities; galaxy’s a big place, gotta be soom stray Force users out there.

Finally cobbled an acceptable pick of Theron Shan

An interesting pic I stumbled into; modeled after the Ewok Shaman, tweaked a little to boost Tuskens. Undercosted? Maybe 17-18?

I’ve heard mention of him around Bloo. I never thought he was as bad as he was portrayed but apparently he was. So why not run with it; how to make him playable yet slightly inept?

Posted: Saturday, November 12, 2011 4:17:01 PM
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Greedo, son of greedo... hahaha nice work. The inept bounty hunter is a nice mechanic too,
I also like the style of the selkath force user; that one might become a minor baddie at local RPG sessions...

Im not a fan of anything after the OT: that rules out the new republic faction and vong entirely. I read Vector Prime, and laughed at the outrageous manner in which the character died, from that point on I subjectively chose whatever 'felt right' and added that to my interpretation of the cannon. BigGrin
That aside, rawk is somewhere between Kol and Luke, which is nice. He's a little OP, but all the skywalkers should be overpowered.
Sweet work once again
Posted: Saturday, November 12, 2011 4:55:59 PM
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Found some alien jedi you could stat up...
Tera Sinube,
Master Halsey (Roonan)
Pong Krell
These jedi look weird...
Posted: Sunday, November 13, 2011 3:58:16 AM
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Nice Job on your new stuff surf rider, looking good bud. I was researching Jerec and Desann the other day on Wookieepedia in preparation for making custom stats. Then I check your customs thread and see them there. Blink Your a mind reader aren't you! LOL I like your stats for them, great representations of them. Have you made a Tavion yet? My favorite is the Selkath. I like the non-unique SW characters, especially when someone makes stats for characters WotC never got around to making. Quick question have you made any custom mini's of your Selkath characters? Just wondering what mini or mini's you may have used to make them if you have. Mon Cal perhaps? Just curious. Smile

As always keep up the great work bud! ThumbsUp
Posted: Sunday, November 13, 2011 6:33:22 AM
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@ Koba,

I've actually finished a Pong Card, probably put it up later in the week (along with an Odann-Urr, Gallandro, Xim Warbot, my version of Tharken and another Selkath non-unique.) I saw a Master Sinube pic but it's not very dynamic; so, what's a retired Jedi like ... hmmmm. What did you think of the Tusken?

@ Squelch

I've looked for but never seen a "clean" Tavion pic (That's with all limbs) just close ups and distant body shots. I'm not good enough of an artist to do a new one myself. As for the Selkath, I've seen others make some darn good ones, but to do the front flippers hanging in their face, that's green stuff and I've never been good with that, although I seem to remember someone describing how they took a Rebel Troopers head and used it as the base head for their Selkath. If you search the customs section on WOTC you can find it. It had a great paintjob as I recall
Posted: Sunday, November 13, 2011 6:29:11 PM
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To be honest, the tusken strikes me as something of a glass cannon. I do like the force corruption though for a subfaction; it certainly fits the mystique/ fremen angle that lucas was originally taking with star wars...

I look forward to seeing these new customs you have up your sleeve; its probably best to space out how often we put them up (so us addicts dont get the whole MORE!!! zombie-like brain addiction thing going)

As to Master Sinube, she might have light tutor and force sense, as well as some ability in hunting down sith (since they sent for her to come and track down Ahsoka's lost weapon), I also think flurry attack would suit, and Use the Force (which from my memory of errata, would trigger flurry attack). That way, she can suddenly be quite dangerous in a single round.

Heres some art I found for Sinube, in a more action pose. BigGrin
Posted: Monday, November 14, 2011 9:43:30 AM
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Well I did a little searching. These were the only two full body pictures of Tavion that I could find. Smile

Not sure if they would suit your needs though. Confused
Posted: Monday, November 14, 2011 3:16:15 PM
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kobayashimaru wrote:
To be honest, the tusken strikes me as something of a glass cannon. I do like the force corruption though for a subfaction; it certainly fits the mystique/ fremen angle that lucas was originally taking with star wars...

I suspected that the Shaman was glass; on the one hand, I Didn't want it too strong, although I had thought about makinh him 50HP and 17-18 Defense ... wanted him to be able to take a few shots and then die ... The Tusken always seemed Kamikaze types. Leave it or up his HP & D? What to Do ....

kobayashimaru wrote:

As to Master Sinube, she might have light tutor and force sense, as well as some ability in hunting down sith (since they sent for her to come and track down Ahsoka's lost weapon), I also think flurry attack would suit, and Use the Force (which from my memory of errata, would trigger flurry attack). That way, she can suddenly be quite dangerous in a single round.

Heres some art I found for Sinube, in a more action pose. BigGrin

I actually saw that pic, but she was missing the body knees down; I can fake feet, but that's about it. I got a full body shot; cards done except the costing. What do you use for costing? I've got an Excel program rigged up to do that that's pretty good actually.
Posted: Monday, November 14, 2011 3:18:16 PM
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SquelchDog wrote:
Well I did a little searching. These were the only two full body pictures of Tavion that I could find. Smile

Not sure if they would suit your needs though. Confused

I like the second pic, its small but maybe usable. Is there a bigger pic? If not I'll go with it ... Thanks.
Posted: Monday, November 14, 2011 11:59:58 PM
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I use that spreadsheet from a while back (either you or someone else on the WotC boards put one up),
and I then 'feel' whether or not a particular mini should be more aggressively costed or not, and adjust it accordingly.
I tend to give jedi a discounted cost, and sith/evil things a slightly higher cost - but sith/evil has a higher damage output or movement bonus.

i cant wait to see what customs you think up next,
Posted: Tuesday, November 15, 2011 4:57:29 AM
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@ surf rider. Those were the only full body pictures of Tavion I could find. And that was the largest picture. Most of them were in game screenshots.

You guys are using that Excel spreadsheet for costing mini's? Confused I downloaded it from the WotC boards and could never get it to work. Crying I kept getting some kind of error. I forget what what the error said, but like I said the program wouldn't work for me.

I've been costing mine similar to the costing of characters in the SWM {CE} rules. I also have a buddy of mine who is pretty good with it. So after I get the cost of a character to where I think it should be I run the character by him. Usually I'm pretty close to what he thinks they should be costed at. Very rairly does he suggest I change it to something else. I feel like I'm getting better at it as time goes on. Smile
Posted: Tuesday, November 15, 2011 10:31:12 AM
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Do you think the changes to the Tusken Shaman will be enough? I'm thinking I may put up Pong, Odan-Urr and one or two others tonight.


I found a darn good Tavion pic; the cards done except for costing; speaking of which, if you PM me your email, I'll mail you the Excel; it's pretty self explanatory.
Posted: Tuesday, November 15, 2011 3:46:07 PM
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Some Jedi I’ve been working on from the three era’s of the Republic ….

Odan-Urr … interesting character; Force Aware is something I came up with after researching him.

Pong Krell sounds/looks like he’d be a nasty fighter; my vision.

My version of Lowbacca. Thought about giving him Repair, but Override and a Jedi ... interesting combo

Dark Jedi Tavion. After researching I almost added Sith Grip & Push, but that would’ve made her stringer than Desaan ... couldn’t see that.

My version of Thrakan. I liked the possibilities of adding CorSec to any squad. Betrayal & Diplomat also was an interesting combo. He presents an interesting enemy. Hope I didn't Break him, so to speak.

My last Selkath, with some interesting ability combo’s.

Not sure what to make of the possibilities, but Restraining Bolt may be an interesting idea.

Time to read a few books ThumpUp
Posted: Wednesday, November 16, 2011 1:13:07 AM
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Yeah! Neat! Im liking all of this latest batch, theres a little of everything on offer.
Krell: spot on. This is 'official' - i will need to make a miniature now of this.
Costing is aggressive, but force points balance this character out. I note he's a follower though....
"EXCELLENT. General Skywalker, meet your new playmate, oh whats that Tsui Choi, Survivor? You want in on the action too? Sure why not?" (said in a Ben Stiller delivery)

The Xexto tech.... wow! Im liking this piece ALOT! Alot of synergy with the seps... and a few handy abilities with decent base stats. Fragile, but awesome. I'd consider removing the targetting word "ally" from Droid Splicer on this piece, and perhaps make it sight also? That could be a lot of fun.

The selkath subfaction is complete! Wow! way to go on this, a decent shooter that is competitive as the other main factions.

Tavion may need a little tweaking, but seems functional as is. Maybe include some beam-scepter attack as a force ability that siphons force at a distance, replaces attacks, and either defeats the enemy or steals all their present force points, save 11? I think that would up her cost to 60-ish, but she'd be suitably nasty... Sort of a reborn subfaction glass cannon with a kicker. BigGrin

Lowbacca is neat. as a follower, many options exist for the piece and repair give it a niche of its own.

Great work! Keep it going, and thanks for the awesome burst of new content!
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