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Ok, no one one was ever called a "Nazi", i asked, "is this Nazi Germany?". i asked this because Miller and Billiv decided to tell me and another member to stay on topic with a discussion we were having about the Beatles. in no way shape or form did i say that any of them were Nazis. @Bill, you need to stop suggesting to a mod what they should be doing when it comes to editing. the mods were chosen WISELY by Shinja, not by you. also, you need to stop acting as if the sun rises and falls on you. @Miller, Admin Mod? get over yourself. there were no "personal attacks" on anyone, and i will be stanged if someone is going to be rude to me on a CONSTANT basis. i have had enough of it, and its gotten to the point where if the mods need to edit everything i write, then so be it. no one jumped on anyone, stop crying wolf, its unbecoming of an adult. i explained why i said what i siad before, and i still stand by it 100%. but i will handle it differently, by taking it PM. but be warned Miller and Billiv, you WILL NOT LIKE WHAT I HAVE TO SAY. i have gotten into it with a few members already on here, and when we took it to PM, it was squashed, hopefully, that can happen here. but i want my apology. @Johnny, i didnt mean to offend you if i did, i apologize if that is the case, i really do. i respected what you said on the topic earlier, and respect what you say whenever you say it, because you carry yourself with respect.
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DarthJak wrote:SO WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT CAD BANE OR  OR I think that when he is played properly, Cad will be a tough nut to crack, low HP and all. Definitely a fun piece
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swinefeld wrote:DarthJak wrote:SO WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT CAD BANE OR  OR I think that when he is played properly, Cad will be a tough nut to crack, low HP and all. Definitely a fun piece a tough nut to crack indeed. i am going to run him with Nom first, then test his mettle with Imperials.
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I'm thinking him and the Dark Prince will be fun, after all giving Cad Accurate Shot will be a fun combo, and he can work well with the Imps, and Nom, I have no doubt.
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Mandalore Da Beast wrote:Ok, no one one was ever called a "Nazi", i asked, "is this Nazi Germany?". i asked this because Miller and Billiv decided to tell me and another member to stay on topic with a discussion we were having about the Beatles. in no way shape or form did i say that any of them were Nazis. @Bill, you need to stop suggesting to a mod what they be doing when it comes to editing. the mods were chosen WISELY by Shinja, not by you. also, you need to stop acting as if the sun rises and falls on you. @Miller, Admin Mod? get over yourself. there were no "personal attacks" on anyone, and i will be stanged if someone is going to be rude to me on a CONSTANT basis. i have had enough of it, and its gotten to the point where if the mods need to edit everything i write, then so be it. no one jumped on anyone, stop crying wolf, its unbecoming of an adult. i explained why i said what i siad before, and i still stand by it 100%. but i will handle it differently, by taking it PM. but be warned Miller and Billiv, you WILL NOT LIKE WHAT I HAVE TO SAY. i have gotten into it with a few members already on here, and when we took it to PM, it was squashed, hopefully, that can happen here. but i want my apology. @Johnny, i didnt mean to offend you if i did, i apologize if that is the case, i really do. i respected what you said on the topic earlier, and respect what you say whenever you say it, because you carry yourself with respect. It is veiled threats and posts like this that really make this forum not fun recently. Seriously how many pleas to stay on topic does it take to stop people from continuing this crap. How about you all stop trying to take one everyone and take on the TOPIC of this thread. Anywho. I personally believe the biggest issue with Cad Bane is that in 150 and 200 it is really hard to get a 3rd wheel in squads with him because your squad will be easy to eliminate if you use to many small pieces and if you use 1 beatstick usually you are outactivated. Thing about Rex and Dash is they are throwaway pieces, the best players use them as activation killers or sacrifice them to kill something of much higher points. That simply can't be the case with Cad. His AV against non-uniques is way to low to do much usually, and is to expensive to waste twins on Ugos and Mice. He has elements of all the great shooters in the game, but he also has drawbacks. He needs a squad where his lack of Accurate won't eliminate his usefulness. I think him with say Kyle CI, Han GH, Leia JK, and filler in 200 is one of the more solid approaches since Kyle helps vs YoBuck and Han can do the heavy lifting at range. Damage ratings are a little low but the Defenses will make up for a lot of those issues. Also Han shuts down YoBuck/Momentum pretty easily if you position right and Leia can shut off stealth to help Cad hit things. Just a few thoughts. ;)
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Great points Joel, I think you nailed the difference between Rex, Dash and Cad quite well.
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honestly, i think Cads biggest draw is his stealth, and his biggest draw back is his HP. i think somewhere down the road we will see stealth beasts that have 110 hp, but right now, i think this is the test run for it.
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I kind of like him because he brings 2 of my favorite squads (OR and Vong) a decent shooter. I will probably use him with Vong the most, That is if i get him, and right now its looking as though i probably wont; at about $30 to get him i most likely wont waste the money. I am fairly new coming into the game (only been playing for about 5 months) and have a decent collection but there are still a lot of characters i want to get and i cant afford to waste the money on a piece that will only be moderately useful to me.
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I hear you Smiley, it took me 2 years to actually shell out 40$ for Jango BH. the sad part is that he isnt as competitive as i thought he would be. thats not saying he isnt a great piece, he is definitely fun to run. to me though, Cad only becomes Competitive with his stealth and GMA. Vong is a great option, if the not the best for him because he becomes a Nom Bomb when he is about to die. I thought Prince Xizor would have been a great choice for him, but that is just too costly as someone wrote before.
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what about a squad with the prince,bane,crix,ERCx2,bothan or two this would be a 200 squad. This would be a fun idea. I was just thinking Prince Bothan with bane might be fun.
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Bothans with Intuition/careful/deadeye/Accurate/cunning 20 is just sick. throw in princess leia for the immediate attack at +4 +10 to either Cad or the Bothan is nasty too. i will have to try that Jonny, thanks
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Princess Leia only works with Rebel Followers, unfortunately. I never really thought of the Bothan Commandos to be that great, personally. I think the ERCs with a Strike Leader is much more troublesome. The Bothan Commandos are decent, and their massive damage is outstanding, but in today's game, it's often much better to have 4 shots for 20 apiece than to have 1 shot for 60.
Unless of course Johnny meant the Bothan Noble. Those would work with either Crix or Cad.
I like the idea of Crix, Cad, ERCs, Bothan Noble. Seems really fragile though still. Once your opponent has activated, you're completely relying on Cad to do any damage. Maybe have to work in Luke RC and Han Smuggler too (move, shoot with Opportunist, Levitate back)?
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very fragile.
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sorry bothan noble. cad bane, bothan noblex2, dod ,prince xizor, uggiex3, mousex2, ERCx2, and Crix. Only reason why I have dod is to set up bane at the end of the round with the nobles.Could go with trackers and czerka then you would go without dod so you can work in a bg. Prince Xizor would gain twin from the czerka too.
Arica/Prince/Bane with thrawn is another one I want to try.
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Jonnyb815 wrote:sorry bothan noble. Arica/Prince/Bane with thrawn is another one I want to try. i will definitely run Cad with Thrawn, i never thought of the Xizor/bane/thrawn/Arica connection. that will be deadly. Arica-"Aw, Crix, im glad you decided to be my legal target in my blaster barrage party, heres a PARTY FAVOR!!!!"
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