
Thinks you need more Droids in your squads.

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Last Call ... surf_rider56's Customs Options
Posted: Tuesday, December 13, 2011 12:14:48 PM
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Sorry, she and Tholme are two of my favorites. I knew it was an old reply but I never saw a proper name. Also, she becomes a bit of a "Death Star" in her own right. Might need to work on a custom ability for that. I have already done a mini of her and Tholme.

Besides, there was a Neti (I think it was a Neti) in the OR comic: "Tales of the Jedi" vol. 2. Exar came to take some trinkets and original lightsabers and the Neti decided to root himself around them so he couldn't get to them.

So, might be a weird idea:
Take Root: This character becomes blocking terrain for the remainder of the skirmish, cannot accrue gambit points and is counted as defeated.

Block a door or instant cover for an important piece but still make it cost enough that you MIGHT have to decide not to abuse them. Say, 23-26 points. Keeps you from finding a room in gambit and locking it with two of them but might be able to close a door that becomes crucial.
Posted: Wednesday, December 14, 2011 5:29:53 AM
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markedman247 wrote:
I have already done a mini of her and Tholme.

Those I'd like to see, especially the Neti ( I once made a Tholme by repainting a Consular with a lightsaber reposition.)

Besides, there was a Neti (I think it was a Neti) in the OR comic: "Tales of the Jedi" vol. 2. Exar came to take some trinkets and original lightsabers and the Neti decided to root himself around them so he couldn't get to them.

markedman247 wrote:
Take Root: This character becomes blocking terrain for the remainder of the skirmish, cannot accrue gambit points and is counted as defeated.

Block a door or instant cover for an important piece but still make it cost enough that you MIGHT have to decide not to abuse them. Say, 23-26 points. Keeps you from finding a room in gambit and locking it with two of them but might be able to close a door that becomes crucial.

Like the idea, although I'd almost say it has to be a unique ,,, couldn't have been more than 1-2 Neti Jedi around at any one time, since they were very rare. Totally agree about the cost being just prohibitive enough that you're absolutely sure you want to make the supreme sacrifice.

Been working on a few more .... may do another 10 or so either tonight or tomorrow ... depends on if the wife is still cranked up about a new grandkid announcement ....
Posted: Friday, December 16, 2011 12:12:06 PM
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Been busy with family and getting ready for vacation ... found a program to inventory my customs; my god I was guessing when I said I had 700 ... came out to 706. I could be here forever trying to do a few a day; gotta think about this. I'd like to show them but the list is ridiculous .... here's an example ... the Fringe; some are uniques I've used for gaming, some just non-uniques ... any ideas how I divvy this up and show them off?

Abyssin Fringer
Alderaan Diplomat
Alderaan Smuggler
Aleena Commando
Aleena Trader
Alkalas Csill'sDroni, Chiss Bounty Hunter
Amanin Spacer
Anzati Dark Sider
Anzati Hunter
Arconan Bounty Hunter
Arcuse, Ubese Bounty Hunter
Armored Spacer
Aurra Sing
Bannon Hightower, Rogue
Baragwin Weapons Smith
Beilert Valance, Cyborg Bounty Hunter
Black Sun Gunman
Black Sun Gunslinger
Black Sun Infiltrator
Black Sun Operations Vigo
Black Sun Recruitment Vigo
Black Sun Tech Trader
Black Sun Trollop
Black Sun Youngling Thief
BlasTech Technician
Boba Fett, Orphan
Boba Fett, Orphan2
Booster Terrik
Bothan Spynet Agent
BR-07 Mercenary Droid
Cad Bane, Scoundrel
Captain Schurk-Heren
Cathar Hunter
Cato Parasitti
Cerean Mercenary Tactician
Cerean Tracker
Chadra-Fan Scoundrel
Chevin Fringer Lord
Chief Medic Maneeli Tuun
Chiss Assault Trooper
Chiss EDF Scout
Chiss Field Commander
Chiss Force Adept
Chiss Intelligence Operative
Civil Engineer
Clantaani Desperado
Clawdite Assassin
Colton Ghent, Slicer
Common Street Thug
Communications Relay Node
Corporate Sector Police
Cpl Tander Oaken
Cyborg Dock Worker
Czerka Arms Dealer
Czerka Corporate Security
Czerka Security Chief
Da'allon Rav
Dark Hellion Gun Moll
Dark Hellion Gun Moll
Dark Hellion Gunman
Dark Hellion Honcho
Dark Hellion Honcho
Dashade Warrior
Dathomir Rancor
Dathomir Witch
Defel Mercenary Scout
Defel Spacer
Del Moomo
Dengar the Avenger
Destiny's Call
Devaronian Pirate
Dexter Jettster
Dhidal Nyz, Bounty Hunter
Dob Moomo
Docking Bay Roustabout
Dug Enforcer
Duros Commando
Durosian Dignitary
Ebranite Spacer
EG-6 Power Droid
EG-7 Power Droid
Elite Circle Assassin
Elite Mercenary Brigade
Endor Forest Dragon
Europa Eclipse, Slicer
Falleen Assassin
Falleen Pirate
Falleen Thief
Feeorin Cutthroat
Feeorin Fringer
Felucian Shaman
Force Assassin
Gand Bodyguard
GE3 Czerka Protocol Droid
Genetics Scientist
GenoHaradan Hunter
GenoHaradan Overseer
Geonosian Spacer
Givin Gambler
Gizor Dellso
Gotal Spacer
Gotal Spacer
Gran Gunman
Gran Tech Specialist
Greedo, Son of Greedo
Guild Chief Cradossk
Gungan Bongo
Gungan Marauder
Gungan Trooper
Guri, Free Smuggler
Hardened Tuskan Raider
Herglic Bodyguard
HoloNet News Reporter Wisp Wollow
Holowan Lab Tech
Hrym Mawarr, Skakoan Bounty Hunter
Human Adventurer
Human Assassin
Human Black Sun Vigo
Humna Humna, Duros Explorer Scout
Hutt Cartel Security Guard
Hutt Cartel Underboss
Hutt Cartel Underboss
Hylo Visz
Iktachi Black Sun Smuggler
Imperiatrix of Khu-Shei
Incom X2 Gunship
Independant Trader
Industrial Automaton Droid Engineer
Ini-Qua, Black Sun Bounty Hunter
Ithorian Clan Leader
Ithorian Clan Leader
Ithorian Fighter
Ithorian Fighter
Ithorian Fringer
Itinerant Artificer
Ixian Planetary Dignitary
Jawa Arms Dealer
Jawa Gunslinger
Jawa Sandcrawler Commander
Jyll Roubou, Smuggler
K-27 Protocol Droid
Kajin Savaros, Force Adept
Kaleesh Fringer Leader
Kaminoan Dignitary
Kannen Doom, Bounty Hunter
Karthho the Hutt
KDY - D5 Nomad Light Transport
KDY EA-99 Transport
Kenix Kil, Bounty Hunter
Khaleen Hentz
Kleef, Bounty Hunter
Kol Kan-Yill, Sakiyan Smuggler
Koro-2 Exodrive airspeeder
Korun Hired Killer
Ko-Sai, Genetic Engineer
Kova Synne, Mechanical Genius
Krag Jorl, Shipping Supervisor
Kurkko, Anzati Jedi Hunter
Lando Calrissian, Gambler
Leena's Revenge
Liash Keane
Mahrn Ne’ Mort
Malea D'kith, Agent of Change
Mandalorian Mercenary
Mara Jade, Smuggler
Marn Hierogryph
Master Tech Ander Ro
Max Rebo Band
Mercenary Comm Specialist
Mercenary Missle Crew
Merlan Doneeta
Merr-Sonn Munitions Expert
Merr-Sonn Targeting Tech
Merr-Sonn Technician
Mighella, Nightsister
Military Advisor
Millenium Falcon
Mirialan Force Adept
Mon Calamari Hired Gun
Mustafarian Sentry Commander
Mustafarian Sentry Commander
Muun Guardian
Muun Mercenary Dealer
ná- Hutt Guard
Nagai Spacer
Nar Shaddaan Enforcer
Nar Shaddan Bodyguard
Nar Shaddan Fringer
Nar Shaddan Scoundrel
Nar Shaddan Scoundrel
Nautolan Scoundrel
Neimoidian Outlaw
Neimoidian Outlaw
Nera Dantels, Smuggler
Nightsister of Dathomir
Nikto Hoodlum
Nikto Pirate
Nort Arwoom, Droid Technician
Nym, Feeorin Leader
Nym, Feeorin Leader
Nyss Nenn
Ortolan Spacer
Outer Rim Mechanic
Outlaw Tech Specialist
Pa'Lowick Spacer
Peace Brigade Recruiter
Planetary Moon Hopper
Plunk Droid
Point Nadir Security
Point Nadir Security Chief
Point Nadir Security.
Polis Massan Slicer
Prak, Chiss Informant
Quermian Spacer
Quermian Spacer
Quince Sinnbar
R5-OK Utility Droid
R9 Astromech Droid
Rakata Bounty Hunter
Rakghoul King
Rattataki Gunman
RB-5-O Comm Droid
Rebuilt Battle Droid
Rewllyn Issna, Smuggler
Rianna Saren
Rogue Droid
Rogue Droid
Rork, Bounty Hunter
Rumi Paramita
Rybet Fringer
Ryn Con Artist
Ryn Conspirator
Sakiyan Black Sun Vigo
Salissian Mercenary
Savrip Bodyguard
School of Hidden Wisdom Pupil
Security Sensor Carrier
Selkath Force Adept
Selkath Freebooter
Selkath Fringer
Selkath Smuggler
Senate Courier
Sensor Array
Sensor Technician
Sgt Delfin Darter
Shadow Assassin
Shadowport Spacer Lord
Shahan Alama, Bounty Hunter
Shalera the Hutt
Shona, Adept of Dathomir
Silver Fyre, Freeholder
Sinya Dopa - Black Sun Force Adept
Sluissi Defense Contractor
Sluissi Tech
Snivvian Explorer
Snivvian Rogue
Snivvian Rogue
Snoova, Bounty Hunter
Spaarti Cloner
Squib Slicer
Sullustan Spacer
Swoop Bike
Tahn Hammer
Talz Mechanic
Tanno Vik
Tarfang WickWyk
Tatooine Moisture Farmer
Tech Trader
Terellian Thief
Thrackan Sal-Solo
Thrak, Cyborg
Tibor - Barabel BH
Todo 360
Togorian Mercenary
Togruta Explorer
Toydarian Commander
Toydarian Ruffian
Toydarian Ruffian
Trandoshan Slaver
Trandoshan Slaver
Treyus, Black Sun Assassin
T'surr Slaver
Tuskan Leader Sharad Hett
Tusken Shaman
Tutti Snibit, Bounty Hunter
Twi’Lek Gladiator
Twi’Lek Informant
Twi'Lek Street Thug
Tyber Zann, Crime Lord
Ugnaught Dignitary
Urai Fen
Utai Thug
Utai Worker
Utapaun Commander
Utric Sandov, Bothan Spynet Agent
Vadon Lenitor, BH
Valara Saar
Verpine Dignitary
Verpine Gunman
Veteran Smuggler
Vilmarh Grahrk, Smuggler
Viqi Shesh
Warlord of Apocylyps
Weapons Master
Weequay Pirate Turk Falso
Weequay Slaver
Weequay Soldier
White Thranta Acquisitions Expert
White Thranta Manager
White Thranta Thug
Witchmother of Dathomir
Wookie Bounty Hunter
Wookie Elite Commando
Xexto Tech Specialist
Xim Warbot
Yaka Cyborg Bounty Hunter
Zabrak Commando
Zabrak Spacer
Zabrak Trooper
ZeHethbra Spacer
Zilaash Kuh
Ziro the Hutt
Zommo, Hutt Trader
Zann Consortium with
Tyber Zann
Urai Fenn
Ewok Bomb Handler
Ewok Bomb
Zann Trooper
Zann Grenadier
Posted: Saturday, December 17, 2011 3:24:07 AM
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Joined: 8/26/2011
Posts: 915
sweet G-Zu thats a lot of customs!
(kudos on the moisture farmer and the conditional speed 8: her cost is aggressive but she's a glass cannon)

I'd probably post them either one of two ways;
1. "Booster box" You give us a booster worth of stats, and we get to receive them just like unboxing. (this is my preferred option)
2. In theme-pack bundles, with each post titled with the thempack name (for easy reference).

looking forward to seeing the entire 700: man thats like 3-6 sets worth right there?! BigGrin
Posted: Saturday, December 17, 2011 4:17:11 AM
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What really impressive and interesting list! I love the moisture farmer: a well thought out and original concept!
Thanks for sharing all this wonderful work here! Soon
Posted: Saturday, December 17, 2011 6:47:55 PM
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Derf wrote:
What really impressive and interesting list! I love the moisture farmer: a well thought out and original concept!
Thanks for sharing all this wonderful work here! Soon

Couldn't resist .... soon ... What? BigGrin

Still not sure how I want to proceed, but I thought I’d toss out a handful before bed …. Could do sub factions, Category groupings (Techs, BH’s, Scoundrel’s, new Special abilities, etc.) still can’t come up with something I like …..


Continuing with some more pieces from my “Spacer” sub faction,

Defel Spacer. A species with only one Mini representative ….

Geonosian Spacer. Was it Koba who gave me the idea of arming certain droids?

Shadowport Spacer Lord. Had to seriously think of a name for this guy. Something different, within its limitations.

Utapaun Commander. A sub faction rarely used; trying to make them a little more workable.

Zygerian Slaver. Last episode of this arc hasn’t come out yet. Looked at some other peoples ability definitions for enslaved, didn’t like them; didn’t feel “Zygerian” to me so I made my own Enslaved.

Rogue Droid. Just liked the pic/idea of a sentient, rogue droid.

Baragwin Weapons Smith. Liked the pic; Wook says they were especially good at making weapons, so why not a Blaster Powerpack upgrade

Another off the wall EU species, a Roonan Jedi

Posted: Sunday, December 18, 2011 12:02:44 AM
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You've outdone yourself sir!
The Genosian Spacer, Roonan Jedi and Rogue Droid are my favs of this booster!

I dont know who pestered whom about the r droids, but haha, thats an awesome ability the Geonosian Spacer has!
I really like where the spacer faction is headed, they are becoming a very rapid, hitandfade type faction whilst being distinct from the madolorians
Posted: Sunday, December 18, 2011 2:02:31 AM
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Excellent stuff surf rider! Nice job on all of them. BigGrin My favorites are the Rogue Droid and the Utapaun Commander. Nice to see the Utapauns getting some love too. ThumpUp

Man that is a huge list of customs!!! Love I like kobayashimaru's idea of the "Booster Box" ThumbsUp

Posting 10 of those a day would be cool too. Might take a while though. Unsure I'd sure like to see them all, that would be cool. Cool
Posted: Sunday, December 18, 2011 3:33:05 AM
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My wife would shoot me if I took the time to do 10 a day, especially during the holidays.

That was the Fringe list; didn't realize until I printed it that it was roughly half the list. I used to make a lot of unique, minor characters (probably because of my mini D&D origins from playing in the 80's.) Some are more interesting than their names ....

I've also be featuring cards I've for the most part made just in the last 2-3 months. 90% of the stuff that's 3-4 years old have been touched.

Booster Box; maybe, but some factions only have 25-35 customs

A rough break down of my minis as of yesterday (Not counting unfinished cards)

Fringe - 320
Imperial - 30
Jedi Order - 80
Mandalorian - 21
New Republic - 25
NPC - 18 (I always thought yu needed "innocent bystander" types in some scenario's)
Old Republic - 37
Rebel - 25
Republic - 66
Separatist - 43
Sith - 31
Yuuzhan Vong - 10

This doesn't include the Rakatan or Elite Mercs cards I made, but it does include most of my Zann Consortium and all my Chiss Faction cards .....

Boosters would be predominately Fringe. Oh well, I'll just blunder along until something hits me in the head BigGrin
Posted: Sunday, December 18, 2011 11:26:42 PM
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Sweet! Boosters once a week or so, awesome.
Maybe use the 'open booster' function on bloomilk, and substitute the type of card you have with the ones that 'randomly' come up in the open booster function?
I'd recommend a once a week type thing; that seems to be much easier for the wife/partner to understand about our hobby (my partner always questions me: "What are you upto on that computer?... BigGrin
Posted: Monday, December 19, 2011 2:58:06 AM
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kobayashimaru wrote:
Sweet! Boosters once a week or so, awesome.
Maybe use the 'open booster' function on bloomilk, and substitute the type of card you have with the ones that 'randomly' come up in the open booster function?

The idea of 7 a week is fine, but I've never bothered to go to the trouble of catagorizing my cards r"arity type" as such. I was thinking maybe themed groupings.

Bounty Hunters
Force Users

Actually, I count 7 categories there, maybe 1 from each. My biggest problem actually trying to remember what cards I've already done ....
Posted: Monday, December 19, 2011 3:39:26 AM
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Alternately, you could do them all at once on boxing day, in the form of a .rar file... haha, like SWM confetti, let the awesome cards fly?
Although the idea of 7 p/w is pretty nice (if only there was some way to make it automated...)
thats like, 100 weeks or 2 years worth of customs right there (+ any new ones you make) so that should keep even the most die-hard players happy campers BigGrin
Posted: Wednesday, December 21, 2011 11:40:02 AM
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Well, I still like the idea of doing a themed post, but in between shopping I’ve noticed I need to clean up my older cards to my own newer, acceptable standards. Not sure how I want to work repeats into this; my thread isn’t as organized as I’d like if I had actually put thought into it … Duh. Wub
So, until I figure it out ….

Cerean Tracker. Tracker ability; sort of a humanoid version of Programmed target.

Chevin Fringer Lord. Just an excuse for a Chevin other than Ephont Mon.

Dathomir Rancor. A Rancor that can be ridden by Nightsisters ….

Nightsister Mother Talzin. If you have mounts for Nightsisters, why not provide the riders?

Neimoidian Heavy Weapon. Saw the pic, said why not?

Ortolan Freedom Fighter. My obligatory Rebel piece for fun.

Pa'Lowick Spacer. Sy Snootles boyfriend ….

Rybet Fringer. An off the wall species.

Ryn Conspirator. Another off the wall little seen species.

Yuuzhan Vong Slave Master. Found another use for the Enslaved ability I gave the Zygerian Slaver.

Ziro the Hutt; Not much about his “abilities” on Wook; Exptrapolation.

I have this urge to work on refining my Jedi Order cards, both my own "uniques" and nonuniques. Want to try one or two new powers I've been looking at from Wook.
Posted: Thursday, December 22, 2011 10:49:37 AM
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Alrighty, new wook-based powers... should be fun to test this festive season. BigGrin
Im impressed by the Cerean Tracker; several of these would deter the superdooper stealthy squads Ive been plagued by.
Posted: Saturday, December 24, 2011 11:09:01 AM
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kobayashimaru wrote:
Alrighty, new wook-based powers... should be fun to test this festive season. BigGrin
Im impressed by the Cerean Tracker; several of these would deter the superdooper stealthy squads Ive been plagued by.

Wasn't sure how she would work. Let me know how she playtests.

Christmas festivities will consume the house for the next day or so. I've been redoing my generic Jedi, so when I come back, I'll post a few of my favorites ... human and otherwise. Happy Holidays to one and all.

(Thread had 35 hits the last 2 hours?? My BlooMilk )
Posted: Monday, December 26, 2011 7:32:10 AM
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While I was pondering updating my generic Jedi cards and some other new ideas, I finished a card for Markedman. It's an amusing idea. BlooMilk

I may actually get around to my own cards in a few days, give or take family fun. Happy Holidays.
Posted: Monday, December 26, 2011 10:05:41 AM
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surf_rider56 wrote:
While I was pondering updating my generic Jedi cards and some other new ideas, I finished a card for Markedman. It's an amusing idea. BlooMilk

I may actually get around to my own cards in a few days, give or take family fun. Happy Holidays.

You made me proud. It looks darn awesome.
Posted: Tuesday, December 27, 2011 3:27:09 AM
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markedman247 wrote:

You made me proud. It looks darn awesome.

You're Welcome. It was amusing, although last time I did something for fun (Max Rebo Band) somebody asked why?? I said because I could BigGrin

I'm amused by the fact that I get 50 hits a day on my thread in Bloomilk and I started another thread in Gamers and have been completely ignored; though crowd over there Blink

As I work on my generic Jedi, I've discovered something; I can't find a Duros Jedi pic worth using on the entire net. Amazing what I can find yet a major species like the Duros .... oh well, I cobbled together one.

The wife has a To Do list .... maybe later this week.
Posted: Tuesday, December 27, 2011 3:57:26 PM
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While mindlessly surfing, I’ve run into a few rare species that gave me some ideas, some fun pics and a Jedi or two while I continue redoing my generic Jedi.

Advozse Mercenary. Wasn’t sure what to do with him; they do look more fun than their species traits. Just another thug species, but hey, Weeguays and Nikto’s are “dull” too.

Aleena Trader. Just some interesting Supply ideas.

Cantina Dancer. Reading “Revan” today gave me the idea of Evade 2; Some people are Very good at ducking.

Ithorian Fringer. Liked the pic. Did anyone know the Varactyl Wrangler is the only non-unique Fringe piece in the official pieces with grenades?

Mirialan Force Adept. Thought of a padawan that walks away from the Order; not necessarily evil, slightly trained, with a lightsaber ….

Omwati Rim Explorer. Another unseen species.

Shistavanen Hunter. A wolf Should have a heightened sense of smell.

Snivvian Prospector. Older Jedi set pieces don’t have Double Attack like the newer pieces. Just an idea to help them.

Utai Thug. Another Utai never hurts. Looked like a good pic for a thug.

Utapaun Fringer. Looked for a Pau’an to add to the Utapauns that I’m trying to upgrade, playability-wise.

ZeHethbra Spacer. Wook says they had a “natural biochemical spray to blind and stun foes.”

Ootoolan Jedi Master. Had to look this guy up in Wook. Tried my new method of picking random Force powers.

Twi'Lek Padawan. Should be more padawan’s, and a little weaker than Ahsoka.

Comments, as always, welcome. Happy Holidays!
Posted: Friday, December 30, 2011 3:30:29 AM
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Joined: 8/26/2011
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I like this latest batch.
The Prospector is a nice, WOTC style balanced piece, great thinking on that one BigGrin
I like all the force users in this batch, balance is great on that Twilek!

I enjoy the Ithorian gun for hire, but feel it would benefit from the Mercenary ability.
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