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Last Call ... surf_rider56's Customs Options
Posted: Sunday, February 5, 2012 11:18:18 PM
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hiya surf!
still fastidiously working on the dianoga; found a reference on a fan RPG forum which suggests the rough sizing of a Dianoga relative to a B-wing... so i'll be all-out scratch building I think on this one, and using the few pics I have as reference. BigGrin

As for the bando gora cards; Awesome job!
Check out Jango Fett: Open Seasons or Jango Fett: Bloodlines or Jango Fett: Bounty Hunter (the game) for some cool reference on the cult.
They were apparently, apart from Black Sun, the most feared rival to Palpatine. Huge group of stim-addicted, shadow-zombified galactic citizens. They were hell bent on taking over all shipping, and Dooku's task was to arrange for them to be wiped out.
As resourceful as he was, Dooku turned the arduous task into a game - a tournament open to all bounty hunters. (this is sadly the biggest plothole in the arc; the jedi dont watch TV?)

Anywho, great work and I like the N-1's design
Posted: Monday, February 6, 2012 10:11:24 PM
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Hello surf,

Where did you find the image of your korun hunter ? She's great !
Very glad and happy that you use some of my images from wizards community.

Thank you for your great work !
Some Nar Shaddan characters ?

I'd like to see these stat cards in the future :) :) :)
- Moralo Eval
- Jakoli
- Twazzi
- Embo


And of course, you can continue use my gallery (star wars wizards community) for your next creations !
Posted: Tuesday, February 7, 2012 2:26:44 AM
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Derf wrote:
Hello surf,

Where did you find the image of your korun hunter ? She's great !
Very glad and happy that you use some of my images from wizards community.

Thank you for your great work !
Some Nar Shaddan characters ?

I'd like to see these stat cards in the future :) :) :)
- Moralo Eval
- Jakoli
- Twazzi
- Embo


And of course, you can continue use my gallery (star wars wizards community) for your next creations !

I beleive I found the Korun pic just surfing in general; not exactly sure where.

I've got a couple of cards I've dubbed "Nar Shaddan" some I think I released, others on the backburner.

As for the Bounty Hunters from the TV show, most are in line; I've actually already done an Embo; it's somewhere in this thread BigGrin

@ Koba. I've noticed making cards for ships is a little tricky. Too fast? Too much armor? I've tried to make cards for things you can actually find a mini/model to use ... guess it depends on if you can live with the scale.

Thanks for the comments on the Naboo ship. Any particular suggestions on if there's a model close to scale on it? Haven't had a chance to look around yet.

I'm up to my eyeballs in work lately, maybe another batch this next weekend.
Posted: Wednesday, February 8, 2012 6:57:27 AM
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I love your cards, and have printed a few of them out. Keep up the great work.
Posted: Wednesday, February 8, 2012 1:57:23 PM
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Baegn wrote:
I love your cards, and have printed a few of them out. Keep up the great work.

Thank you; you're actually the first one to tell me that you actually use them; always wondered about that. I'm usually just hoping people think they're interesting BigGrin
Posted: Thursday, February 9, 2012 12:25:12 AM
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Howdy surf!,
Photos shall be up soon for the Delta "Lucky 8" (you can guess who's fighter it is...) and Dagger concepts; weather and camera permitting.

There is some bad news on the Dianoga front- the soda bottles i had used as the frame cracked and melted after joining (the Araldyte burnt them)... So its back to the drawing board on that one. But I think the plastic bottles would make a good base frame for a Morningstar/Dianoga.

As to the N-1; Fine Molds make a 1-48 scale kit which is in good scale with minis. Rumor has it Hasbro's pumping out more merch for the re-release of the movies... could be more model kits on the way?

And onto the topic of how vehicles work in Minis
I think vehicles should take a lot of the game mechanics from superheavy fliers of W40K 3rd ed.; quick, strafing runs from one table edge, yet fragile to small arms fire.
Stylistically then, your N1 captures that with its speed, relative fragility and cost.
Maybe make an SA that means the starfighter flies in and out across a table edge?
Eg. Starfighter: When this character activates, choose a line from 1 map edge to the opposite one; this activation, this character may attack any character its adjacent to (ignoring walls, pits etc). At the end of the activation, remove this character from the board (it may not make another 'run' until next turn).

I collect your statcards and archive them, and some of which I use as the basis for my StarWars40K hybrid game.
I particularly enjoy Komari Vosa; much better than the Bounty Hunters version!
I glued yours over the 'official' one BigGrin
Posted: Thursday, February 9, 2012 4:17:26 PM
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I remember playing the Empire At War and they had "Bombing Runs." but when I think about it I think about Veers Hologram Fire Support Mission. I think aircraft strafing runs should be limited somehow; maybe some limitations like needing two spotters inbetween the official strafing run zone to triangulate, maybe limit them to only a strafing run every other turn; heavy weapons get a free shot at them ... something otherwise they may be too "broken" to use. Not lloking for a game changer here BigGrin

Fine Molds? May have to look this up!

Thank you for the compliments on the cards. Its gratifying to know people actually use since I don't get to playtest them often enough (my last game was in November Sad

I've got about 20 or so cards done. I'm just trying to decide how many generic Jedi to toss out and what species. Any requests on Jedi species?
Posted: Thursday, February 9, 2012 9:59:52 PM
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I'm a bit stumped when it comes to jedi; You've made so many I now have a good diversity for official games.
Im always keen to see diversity - as many weird and wonderful builds as possible would be fun. Wookiepedia would probably be your best friend in terms of finding the niche species.

Most of your current builds on the jedi capture the species traits well; and the 'random' force powers are great. The net result is that the pieces make decent mid-level threats for all the factions, though they might not be competitive/balanced with the new fan made sets, they seem to work well with the mid to late sets made by WotC.
Posted: Friday, February 10, 2012 5:27:03 PM
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kobayashimaru wrote:
I'm a bit stumped when it comes to jedi; You've made so many I now have a good diversity for official games.
Im always keen to see diversity - as many weird and wonderful builds as possible would be fun. Wookiepedia would probably be your best friend in terms of finding the niche species..

I've tried for as many generic Jedi in as many different species I could find that were usable, as I believe Obi-Wan said "over a thousand generations the Jedi ..." must mean a Heck of a lot of Jedi. Glad to be of service; I'm actually rather amped up about this interesting site I found where I got about a dozen new/interesting pics. I could be busy after Valentine's Day ThumbsUp

kobayashimaru wrote:
Most of your current builds on the jedi capture the species traits well; and the 'random' force powers are great. The net result is that the pieces make decent mid-level threats for all the factions, though they might not be competitive/balanced with the new fan made sets, they seem to work well with the mid to late sets made by WotC.

I actually made a conscious effort to aim a the middle ground with the Jedi. Most of them I aimed for costs in the 20's, with the occassional Jedi higher/lower, so glad to hear mid-level is where they seem to fall. It's only the last few months I've tried to aim "Below 15" with more common/uncommon pieces. I think there're too many mini's that are unusable and trying to make them more up-to-date and playable is another conscious goal for me.

I Think sunday morn may be my upload goal for the next batch. The wife has plans for us tomorrow and I've learned never to argue with the Lady of the House on Valentine's Weekend; it can be rather unhealthy if you do Laugh
Posted: Saturday, February 11, 2012 8:38:08 PM
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Truly sage advice from a wise man on the valentines front... BigGrin
I think a big upload once or twice a month would be awesome, which is pretty much what you've been doing recently.
Its like getting a fix from opening a booster haha
Posted: Sunday, February 12, 2012 7:06:18 AM
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Off with the wife now, but as promised, a new batch .....

I noticed as I looked at some already made cards that my quality control isn’t what I’d call always great. I try to catch my mistakes before hand or fix them afterwards … Ah well!
A Potpourri of stuff today; some of my latest favorites all the way to just a piece or two that have been sitting around for awhile plus the requisite generic Jedi. Let the games begin, In no particular order …..

Chevin Fringer Lord. Felt the game needed a generic Chevin and something a little different from Ephant Mon.

Zabrak Commando. Just because I liked the pic; Always room for a Zabrak.

Nagai Spacer. A new species for fun. Is there room for a small melee piece anymore?

Nar Shaddan Fringer. I debated on adding the phrase ”Hutt Cartel” to him on the card; if I create a subfaction, I just may call Nar Shaddan’s members of the Cartel. Still debating with myself …..

Biggs Darklighter, Hero of Yavin. I’ve been looking for a good pic of him for awhile but this is the only one that was a good full body shot. I prefer color pics but sometimes you take what you get. I always thought the mini was decent but had the potential for better. He’s costed the same yet better … not a conscious effort on my part. Tells me that the original was overcosted more than anything IMO.

Naboo Palace Guard. Originally slated to go out with the Naboo fighter ....

Armored Spacer. If the Fringers can have a flamethrower .... apparently Wook says they were popular to use with boarding parties. Sounds like a Spacer SA to me.

Quermian Spacer. Another rarely seen species; an idea …..

Sebolto, Bando Gora Deathstick Dealer. Ment to release him last time with the Bando Gora Assassin. He’s part of a series of characters I thought up or got interested in from reading “Plagueis.”

Sun Guard. Another character that played a reasonably significant role in “Plagueis.” I debated whether to make them Fringe or Sith; they seemed to have more of a history with the Sith so I went with it.

Cerean Station Master. Loved the pic. I hope he plays out well; had to think how a shady space station head might operate. One of my recent favorites …

Tatooine Desert Tracker. Another one of my recent Tatooine characters. Added Pathfinder to her to differentiate her from the Guide. Liked the pic and another of my recent favorites. I hope it’s a fun piece ….

Tusken Headman. Another in my series of Tuskens; Slightly different from the Shaman. Another of my new favorites.

ET-74 Comm Droid. Bumped into this pic while researching something else. Just an interesting concept.

Vurk Spy. New species. I’m trying my head/body swap technique again. The Rebels had probably 10-15 years to organize a real resistance … must have had a lot of spies out and about.

Draethos Mercenary. Other than Odan-Urr, my first Draethos; also a head/body swap. Hey, it’s a new species, I do the best I can when I can’t find a suitable pic. Looked them up in Wook, along with the Vurk, to try to get a sense of the species general characteristics and traits.

Kubaz Operative. Liked the pic, thought the New Republic could use another agent.

Ubese Mercenary. An Ubese besides Boushh. Thought mercenary would be appropriate.

Veteran ARC Trooper. I thought that if anybody besides the Republic Commando’s might be independent thinkers enough to ignore 66 it would be a survivor, an “old” ARC Trooper. Must have been a few that weren’t turned into Commando’s

Yarna d'al' Gargan. Another of my Cantina denizen’s. Beaty is in the eye of the beholder. I kinda like the “Distraction” SA.

True Mandalorian. I wanted to toss in an idea. A contemporary of Jango before they were wiped out by Dooku’s Jedi team. The idea came from reading “Plagueis.”

Time for some of my generic Jedi. Some better known species this time, some strange species next time …

Rodian Jedi Knight.

Bothan Jedi Knight. There’re a few Bothan’s … why no Jedi pieces?

Gran Jedi Knight. Used to be Ulu Ulix; kept the SA regarding Boba but made him generic. Wonder if it would really throw someone for a loop in a game …..

Cathar Jedi Knight. Something slightly off for the heck of it …. A new species as a teaser ….

Comments as always and I'll even take a request ... I'm in a good mood BigGrin

Hope you enjoy the efforts.
Posted: Wednesday, February 22, 2012 3:42:35 PM
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Awful quiet in the customs area lately ... guess I missed with this batch .... oh well .....
Posted: Thursday, February 23, 2012 5:43:35 AM
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surf_rider56 wrote:
Awful quiet in the customs area lately ... guess I missed with this batch .... oh well .....

I dont think its you as much as the custom community. I had a BUNCH of what I thought to be really cool customs minis, (including jabba AND ziro) and only got one comment on the entire lot. Hence why I havent posted any more. I think my max rebo band is awesome but it takes a while for the pics to load and I dont expect much feedback. I think people are just loosing interest =/ though I do like your cards! Though for some constructive criticism, I think some of you generic pieces are just to generic. The feel like their just a figure with two uncommon abilites slapped on. But thats just IMO, still love the cards though BigGrin
Posted: Thursday, February 23, 2012 7:32:24 AM
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Darthbane53 wrote:
surf_rider56 wrote:
Awful quiet in the customs area lately ... guess I missed with this batch .... oh well .....

I dont think its you as much as the custom community. I had a BUNCH of what I thought to be really cool customs minis, (including jabba AND ziro) and only got one comment on the entire lot. Hence why I havent posted any more. I think my max rebo band is awesome but it takes a while for the pics to load and I dont expect much feedback. I think people are just loosing interest =/ though I do like your cards! Though for some constructive criticism, I think some of you generic pieces are just to generic. The feel like their just a figure with two uncommon abilites slapped on. But thats just IMO, still love the cards though BigGrin

Yes, I know what you mean on several fronts ....

I posted the last group and had 400 "hits" on the threads and zero comments. Lots of people look and in the case of my cards, download, but few care to critique. I understand the feelins about "oh well, screw it I won't post."

As for the generic pics, I also understand. There's only so much you can do with a "smuggler" and only x many variations on a theme. Sometimes the best I can do is give a mini the "flavor" of a new species or at least the tendencies of that particular species. I've also tried to create pieces that make older pieces better or even work on a theme like Bespin, Tatooine, Tusken, etc. The danger is creating too many "new" abilities, yet sometimes they are needed and at least if done right offer a new wrinkle.

I try to comment on other people's work, at least the regulars since I know its hard to get Anybody to comment.

Thanks for the comments Alex.

Posted: Thursday, February 23, 2012 8:36:36 AM
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Hello Surf,

I understand too.
I look nearly every week at your threat in order to see your new cards.
I don't more play with cards at the moment.
But I'm still a roleplaying gamer and gamemaster.
I'm always searching new character concepts and pictures.
Your work is one source of inspiration for me.
Your "Tatooine Desert Tracker" is awesome. I especially like the picture of the Kubaz operative too.
Thank you Surf ! :) Have a nice day.
Posted: Thursday, February 23, 2012 3:54:06 PM
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NEAT! Jedi!!!! Theyre all specialised; and Thanks for the awesome Gran jedi! Great picture on it (and the Karmic Ability is nice too)
Take that Boba Fett, Bounty Hunter!

Also, I like the amount of Jango Fett; Open Seasons/Bounty Hunter/ "Darth Plagueis Novel" content that is coming through.
For me as a SW fan, Open Seasons and Bounty Hunters made star wars seem so cool, and made Palpatine that much more evil.
I was a little disappointed with the Plagueis novel then; its supposed to be more about the Bildungsroman journey of Palpatine from evil to badass, not about the assorted other twists and turns. To me, it felt that the novel Plagueis is more a collation of all the other expanded universe stuff that abounds out there --- an attempt to make certain elements of that stuff 'cannonical' and other elements left off the radar.
(See the Traviss debacle around the mandalorians and particularly Open Seasons).

Anywho, now I can finally recreate scenes of my favourite comics! Great work Surf!
And please, keep it up (real world permitting).
Posted: Thursday, February 23, 2012 4:41:13 PM
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kobayashimaru wrote:
NEAT! Jedi!!!! Theyre all specialised; and Thanks for the awesome Gran jedi! Great picture on it (and the Karmic Ability is nice too)
Take that Boba Fett, Bounty Hunter!

Also, I like the amount of Jango Fett; Open Seasons/Bounty Hunter/ "Darth Plagueis Novel" content that is coming through.
For me as a SW fan, Open Seasons and Bounty Hunters made star wars seem so cool, and made Palpatine that much more evil.
I was a little disappointed with the Plagueis novel then; its supposed to be more about the Bildungsroman journey of Palpatine from evil to badass, not about the assorted other twists and turns. To me, it felt that the novel Plagueis is more a collation of all the other expanded universe stuff that abounds out there --- an attempt to make certain elements of that stuff 'cannonical' and other elements left off the radar.
(See the Traviss debacle around the mandalorians and particularly Open Seasons).

Anywho, now I can finally recreate scenes of my favourite comics! Great work Surf!
And please, keep it up (real world permitting).

I bumped into the Gran saving Boba in my research ... thought it a nice twist.

Plagueis ... yaeh it felt like one of those "Life and Times' books they made about Obi and Vader where they tried to fill in any cracks that may have popped up aling the way. Still it gave me ideas for certain pieces.

I've been bumping into some really off the wall EU species and some new, fun Jedi. I've a day or so away from another 25. Maybe by sunday ....

Appreciate the thoughts Koba; how's the latest ship project progressing?
Posted: Sunday, February 26, 2012 8:32:04 PM
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Im wanting to pick up the separatist vehicle idea that has been kicking around for a while;
Im thinking a 80m-170m light carrier/freighter, with about 6 turrets and enough room to stow 4 droid starfighters.
Im guessing it would have a 10 person crew, with enough room to hold about 80battle droids plus a cargo hold...
sorta like that republic gunship seen floating around utapau in Ep3...

As I begin to stock up on both model parts and perspex/balsa wood, I'm going to be able to plan bigger, longer duration projects.
I cant build anything much larger than about 170 scale meters, as I dont have much room to store the stuff, but any ideas you have for such a vehicle would be great.
Posted: Monday, February 27, 2012 2:49:59 PM
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@Koba My Sep Transport was 91x16 cm (3 ft. x 6 inches.) It fit 4 Corporate Alliance Droid Tanks and was in that Droid attack on the spaceport diorama I did last summer. Basically it was a plastic window planter box with a ramp cut out at the front and engines attached (The top was just the planter tray that fit the bottom.

I may finish up my nect batch and post it by tomorrow nite ... family stuff was on the schedule last weekendBigGrin
Posted: Tuesday, February 28, 2012 2:33:50 PM
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Ok, so here’s my latest. I’ve given some of these quite a bit of thought. Some of the more common pieces, as has been pointed out, have a bit of the cookie-cutter appearance, but while you can do only so much with common/uncommon pieces, I at least try to use different species in different roles, change some things up a bit, add a little species flavor where I can and try not to create Too many new abilities. This is not a dig at the V-Sets by any stretch since I’ve created more than my share of custom abilities, but I’d never realized how many new abilities the V-Sets had created until I’d compiled my own list. Needless to say, I don’t feel quite so guilty anymore! Bravo for some interesting ideas for their own interesting ideas.

Some familiar species some new ones and hopefully some interesting new ideas. Presented for your perusal and enjoyment, in no particular order ….

Anomid Techno Noble. A diplomat with possibly an annoying ability. Best used against a Sep squad I imagine. A different species if nothing else. had a heck of a time finding a pic; wound up creating my own.

Arcona Recruit. Up until the Rogue Rookie in the V-Sets, the cheapest NR piece was a 10pt Trooper, so why not a cheap recruit ala the OR Recruit.

Army of Light Jedi. Lord Hoth has no one to lead, so I gave him a slightly generic Jedi soldier, complete with a Beskar’gam shield as stated by Wook and the appropriate Army emblem. Cheap, no frills …. I hope he’s serviceable.

Cathar Recon Scout. I could be wrong (since a minimanager search excludes V-Set characters) but the OR has no one with Recon ….

Cerean Smuggler. I say you can never have too many Cerean’s .....

Chistori Jedi Master. I stumbles upon this pic and I fell in love. I wonder how he’d do up against Desaan.

Columi Information Broker. A new species and a new take on the Tactics Broker; not sure if it’s worth a body for a move. Like the MTB, it’s strictly a situational thing but I guess if you build for it .....

Devaronian Fringer. A different Devaroonian, using my head/body swap technique.

Em'liy Nomad. An interesting pic and a minor but interesting side story to the Rebel saga. Thought I’d try an idea here.

Gungan Fambaa Shield Generator. Well, why not. I’ve seen others try this a few years ago. My take.

Houk Black Sun Vigo. A rarely seen Houk, and a few ideas for Black Sun.

Nar Shaddan Street Thug. A cute young thing, a common piece but hey, why not I say.

Neimoidian Ground Commander. Help for Neimoidian troops, and a lil nod to Nute with the new special ability. Curious about this one. Is he still worth playing or is the SA too scary.

Nimbanel Guard. A new piece in the Hutt Cartel sub faction, and a new species.

Nosaurian Saboteur. They didn’t like the Republic Or the Imperials. Not into authority I guess.

Qiraash Rim Explorer. New species, but they’re rather nondescript in Wook otherwise. Just something different.

Ryn Con Artist. Another rare species, a different take on the A&E Chadra-Fan.

Selkath Militia. A new Selkath in my neverending quest for them. Hey, I’m entitled to my own quirks.

Tarasin Jedi Knight. A new species, but my random FP system made him rather weak offensively, so I’m curious how he works out.

Temolak Scavenger. Another new species. I’m curious to see whether he lives long enough to whip out some reserves.

Theelin Pirate's First Mate. Another rarely seen species from me. An idea to help pirates so we’ll see. Has potential.

Weequay Holyman. Thought I’d try something new to help out the Weequays. Something different; Wook says they’re rather religious so I’m going with the zealot angle.

Wookiee Troop Leader. A different type of Wookie commander with a different CE.

Wroonian Scoundrel. If I named my groups I’d call this the new species group. Just another take on the scoundrel idea.

Zanibar Bounty Hunter. Yet another new species and a nod to DB53 for his inadvertent “cannibal” suggestion partially taken from Wook.

I’m rather stubborn so I will continue to say, as always, comments welcomed!
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