Special Abilities
Undead (Non-living; not subject to commander effects; subject to critical hits; cannot switch squads; cannot receive healing of any form; not subject to certain special abilities and Force powers (see Glossary); cannot use or benefit from Force powers; can only move if it cannot make a melee attack against a living enemy and must end its turn adjacent to one if it can)
Speed 2 (Can move only 2 squares and attack, or 4 squares without attacking)
Melee Attack (Can attack only adjacent enemies)
The Sickness (+10 Damage on melee attacks against a living enemy; save 11. Whenever this character defeats a living enemy that does not have Self-Destruct with a melee attack, that character is immediately restored to half health and joins your squad, suffers -2 Attack, -2 Defense and gets the following special abilities: The Undead, Speed 4, Melee Attack, The Sickness, Bloodthirsty, Consume, Horde +2, Outbreak, Re-Animate and Recollection. The enemy loses its commander effect, any unspent Force points and cannot use any of its prior special abilities or Force powers. If the enemy had Speed 8, it loses Speed 8 and does not gain Speed 4. A Huge enemy gets Swallow Whole instead of Consume and Horde +3 instead of Horde +2. A Small enemy gets Horde +1 instead of Horde +2. This new character sets up in the square that the enemy formerly occupied and enters the battlefield activated.)
Bloodthirsty (+10 Damage on melee attacks against enemies at half Hit Points or less)
Flabby Flesh (+4 Defense against non-lightsaber attacks.)
Horde +2 (+2 Attack on melee attacks against a target for each allied character with Horde adjacent to that target. This character gets +1 Defense for every adjacent allied Undead character.)
Mighty Swing (On its turn, if this character doesn't move, it gets +10 Damage against adjacent enemies)
Re-Animate (Whenever this character would be defeated by an attack, make a save of 6 if the attacker is nonadjacent or 11 if the attacker is adjacent. On a success, this character has 10 Hit Points instead of being defeated. Whenever this character would be defeated by an ability that replaces attacks or an attack with a lightsaber, make 2 saves, each needing 11; if both succeed, this character has 10 Hit Points instead of being defeated. If this character is considered to be burning and is defeated by taking burning damage, this character is defeated.)
Swallow Whole (When a living Medium or Small enemy without Self-Destruct is defeated by this character, remove 20 damage from this character; a new Undead character is not created. When a living Large or Huge enemy without Self-Destruct is defeated by this character, remove 10 damage from this character. When this character is defeated, each enemy it swallowed returns to play under your control in an Undead form in a square this character formerly occupied, following the rules of The Sickness.)
"Those zombie slugs swallow their prey whole until a horde bursts out of their bloated body."