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Custom Sets

Showing 1 - 50 of 375 Custom Sets12345...8Next
Name Abbr Creator Comment Chars Updated
The Lost Jedi TLJ cassekiel 37 1/15/2020 10:27:45 PM
Star Lolz Star Jargon Madjin Fun stuff, including Starwars 46 5/1/2017 10:12:34 PM
Jargon.Ink Mad Jargon Madjin Presented by Jargon.Ink 44 5/1/2017 1:24:30 AM
Crossover Misc Jargon Madjin Existing Characters made into SWM customs 60 5/1/2017 1:24:07 AM
Madness:ProjectNexus M:PN Vankovich The units developed by a shadowy corporation funded by the Sith during the old republic days, they n 5 11/10/2016 5:14:14 AM
The Force Awakens poppins88 4 11/9/2016 2:50:30 AM
A Galaxy of Ages AGA Tubleviathan 20 11/2/2016 1:57:52 PM
WOTC-Crap-Boost kkj 3 5/31/2016 10:46:09 AM
The Force Awakens Mini Set (Gashapon Set) TFAG mdelafe This is a mini set with 6 japanese gashapon minis you can buy in internet with The Force Awakens Cha 6 4/9/2016 4:57:05 PM
Republic Spec Ops Lafcadio 5 4/8/2016 9:20:32 PM
CC's CCCs C^5 CorellianComedian My entries for the Custom Character Contests... or Character Creation Contests... or Custom Characte 12 4/8/2016 3:10:42 AM
Madness Combat Incorperated MCI Vankovich 1 4/7/2016 3:09:29 AM
Rise of Darth Vader RoDV DarthKub Set based on characters and events influenced by the main Sith himself. Still in progress. Would lov 6 4/5/2016 3:59:30 AM
Galactic Jokers AFaMN CorellianComedian Just messing around with some spoof minis, based on either mixed-up acronyms, misunderstood names, p 6 3/25/2016 1:58:26 AM
Battlefront jen'ari Jen'ari, Deathsbaine, Pegolego, Spryguy, theultrastar, shmi15. 60 3/4/2016 9:46:46 AM
My Star Wars RPG SWRPG Rogue 13 Me, my party, and the antagonists and allies they face. 0 2/18/2016 5:35:19 PM
Champions of Hope CoH CorellianComedian First official custom set, consisting almost entirely of custom characters. 30 2/12/2016 3:48:23 AM
My Sequel to Wizards of the Coast WOTCS Rex_Moonwielder_1995 My own "custom wave" of Star Wars Miniatures that represents my non-V Set solution to making older m 60 2/10/2016 7:59:29 PM
Episode VII: The Force Awakens Fossil4182 A limited set based on a few of the characters from episode VII 0 1/1/2016 2:39:42 AM
A Galaxy Overrun AGO Warev Ririp The second set to feature an exclusive cast of all-undead abominations, featuring new zombies of ali 9 12/30/2015 5:13:00 PM
Shatterpoint SP Rogue 13 Based on the book of the same name. 2 12/28/2015 4:31:24 PM
The Force Awakens TFA Gungan Batman Clone 5 12/27/2015 3:25:51 AM
Star Wars Ep. VII CerousMutor 10 12/21/2015 4:07:13 PM
And Now For Something Completely Different WTF Rogue 13 In which I take a break from seriousness and, perhaps, sanity. 2 12/20/2015 4:57:39 AM
Children of the Force COTF Tubleviathan 20 12/19/2015 1:59:11 PM
Battlefront Heroes and Villains Set BFHV CerousMutor These are based on the new Battlefront game. Tried to make them faithful to that game yet usable in 6 12/13/2015 9:57:14 AM
Darth Plagueis DP Rogue 13 This is going to be a set based on the book Darth Plagueis. I will add more figures as inspiration s 4 12/4/2015 5:42:23 PM
Null ARC StarKiller97 5 11/16/2015 2:14:56 AM
Far Outsiders CerousMutor 12 11/16/2015 2:06:19 AM
Crossover Infinites CI Rex_Moonwielder_1995 All of my custom "Crossover" SW Minis go here. Enjoy! 6 11/9/2015 4:19:30 AM
Halo Wars StarKiller97 More will be added. These are what I have so far 10 11/1/2015 1:16:17 AM
Consumed by Fire CbF SignerJ [WIP] This is my second large custom set. This set will be more generalized, focused on times when t 22 9/27/2015 4:43:44 PM
Legends of the Force LF SignerJ [WIP] Being developed simultaneously with my Consumed by Fire set. This one is for more themed, casu 29 9/27/2015 4:43:39 PM
The 501st 501 AndyHatton 7 9/16/2015 7:52:29 PM
Hand of Judgment HoJ Warev Ririp The Hand of Judgment; the vigilante Stormtrooper squad in the occasional employ of Mara Jade, in all 7 9/3/2015 11:16:39 AM
Rise of the Machines RotM Warev Ririp A set dedicated to the Terminator franchise, featuring characters and Terminator units from it. 24 9/3/2015 11:16:35 AM
Icons of Horror IoH Warev Ririp A set dedicated to characters and monsters from various horror media. 24 9/3/2015 11:16:31 AM
The Cantina Band TCB Warev Ririp A mini-set for the Cantina Band, Figrin D'an and the Modal Nodes. 9 9/1/2015 5:03:25 PM
Vader VDR AndyHatton 6 8/24/2015 9:42:00 PM
Galactic Legacy GL Tubleviathan 20 8/13/2015 10:43:28 AM
Tarisian Gangs Pieces SignerJ For keeping the pieces together, just in case I decide to make this a full mini-set or something. 4 8/11/2015 7:12:43 PM
Untold Legends UTL Tubleviathan 20 8/11/2015 11:06:22 AM
Epic Movie Brawls EBM Warev Ririp A set featuring some of the most famous and iconic characters from across cinema, ready to battle ea 9 8/11/2015 8:00:57 AM
Aliens vs. Predators AVP Warev Ririp A set dedicated solely to units from the Alien and Predator mixed universe, before a very bad film m 17 8/11/2015 6:29:24 AM
Lords and Knights LK Tubleviathan 20 8/10/2015 12:24:38 PM
From Other Galaxies FOG Warev Ririp A set for crossover pieces and units who don't originate from Star Wars. 48 8/6/2015 12:56:24 PM
Day of Reckoning DoR theultrastar (This is not a set meant to work in standard miniatures. This is a set meant for the TN version of t 20 8/4/2015 4:57:08 PM
Chalmun's Cantina Crowd CCC Warev Ririp A cast of colorful characters from Chalmun's Cantina. 60 7/29/2015 7:42:59 AM
A Galaxy Infested AGI Warev Ririp A Galaxy Infested. This is a collection of units meant to represent the undead or creatures that swa 60 7/26/2015 3:41:39 PM
The NPE Duos TND CorellianComedian Just some fun Duo pieces. The idea for most of them is taking two pieces that are really good at the 3 7/24/2015 1:20:12 AM
Showing 1 - 50 of 375 Custom Sets12345...8Next

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