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Has been fought over since the formation of the Republic.

Squad Ratings

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Showing 51 - 100 of 1,236 SquadsPrevious12345...25Next
  * Name Pts Acts Creator Creation Date Rating
51. Republic Skybuck 2.1 200 12 Jonnyb815 6/21/2010 8.28 (54)
Creator: 10/10
52. Rebel Beyond Annoying 200 16 juice man 8/18/2014 8.28 (29)
Creator: 9/10
53. Republic Mon's Double D's 200 26 DARPH NADER 7/6/2013 8.27 (22)
Creator: 10/10
54. Rebel Rebelion Speed Demons 150 8 Lord Kikolonia 9/28/2010 8.27 (11)
Creator: 10/10
55. Rebel Tempted Smuggler 150 11 LoboStele 2/18/2010 8.27 (15)
Creator: 9/10
56. Separatists Series-II Droidekas 150 13 rogueshadow16 2/10/2011 8.26 (31)
Creator: 10/10
57. Mandalorians Movin Mandos 2014 Gencon Champion 200 11 Weeks 8/16/2014 8.26 (35)
Creator: 10/10
58. Republic Utapaun Vengeance!!! 200 16 creme_brule 5/28/2010 8.25 (20)
Creator: 10/10
59. Imperial Vader 501st Mobile Swarm 200 14 Darth Percocet 5/14/2010 8.24 (21)
Creator: 10/10
60. Rebel Anakin's Darkspeeder 200 17 Dark Woman 10/24/2010 8.24 (21)
Creator: 10/10
61. Republic SkyBuck 200 9 SkyLight 6/17/2010 8.23 (22)
Creator: 10/10
62. Sith Kreia, Dark Lord Of The Sith 200 11 Darth Percocet 1/12/2011 8.22 (27)
Creator: 10/10
63. Fringe Embolical Karrde FrostyCon NY Regional 2015 winner 200 9 Darth_Jim 2/8/2015 8.21 (28)
64. Yuuzhan Vong Indiscriminate 200 16 sharron 4/15/2013 8.20 (15)
Creator: 10/10
65. Sith dashing Jaq 200 9 fett19 11/13/2012 8.19 (43)
Creator: 10/10
66. Republic new recruits 450 28 DarthJak 8/23/2010 8.15 (13)
Creator: 10/10
67. Separatists Droid Invasion 250 8 Gawaller8 5/1/2017 8.14 (14)
Creator: 10/10
68. New Republic NR200 Wedge: Blitzkrieg Felcors 200 11 imyurhukaberry 6/1/2009 8.14 (78)
Creator: 10/10
69. Rebel GMAErs 200 12 ArtemisCFrog43 7/13/2009 8.12 (66)
Creator: 10/10
70. Republic Rex Sixth Sense 100 5 Nefertiti 5/24/2010 8.12 (26)
71. Yuuzhan Vong master of war 200 15 sharron 3/19/2012 8.10 (10)
Creator: 10/10
72. New Republic Smuggler's 200 14 Kamikaze13 1/5/2011 8.09 (11)
73. Rebel Boba slays Bane 100 4 DarthJak 2/9/2009 8.08 (12)
Creator: 10/10
74. Sith killer cade 300 12 DarthJak 1/6/2009 8.08 (12)
Creator: 10/10
75. Old Republic For the Republic 200 13 VHT 10/23/2016 8.08 (12)
76. Separatists Triple Threat with Twin 200 13 DaddyCool 11/9/2009 8.07 (28)
Creator: 9/10
77. New Republic NR Vongs 200 14 Chabelo Jedi Hunter 7/16/2009 8.07 (14)
Creator: 10/10
78. Imperial "Only Tarkins Finest" 2nd Gencon 2014 & 1st Indiana 2017 200 18 atmsalad 4/23/2017 8.07 (29)
Creator: 10/10
79. Old Republic (200 Pts.) Aric.....Send in the troops! 200 12 Darth Cerberus 2/24/2014 8.06 (16)
Creator: 10/10
80. New Republic Kyle and Mara 150 8 SkyLight 10/2/2010 8.06 (16)
Creator: 10/10
81. Republic GD Gungans 3.0 300 19 DarthJak 7/28/2010 8.06 (18)
Creator: 10/10
82. New Republic Kyle Katarn, Jedi Battlemaster 150 9 Lambalazar 2/27/2009 8.05 (91)
Creator: 10/10
83. Republic the power of the Gungan 200 15 nerfherderpictures 7/9/2023 8.04 (67)
Creator: 10/10
84. New Republic Professor Luke's Art Class 200 12 sephiroth99is 3/24/2013 8.03 (35)
Creator: 10/10
85. Republic Mass Momentum 150 9 joelker41 2/9/2010 8.00 (67)
Creator: 10/10
86. Republic The Sandpeople Return V. 200pt 200 10 Darth Percocet 1/23/2010 8.00 (16)
Creator: 10/10
87. Republic escape from the Citadel 250 10 jak 3/10/2011 8.00 (16)
88. Republic What Beats This? 200 6 Hinkbert 8/20/2012 8.00 (14)
Creator: 10/10
89. Republic senate blues 250 14 DarthJak 5/22/2010 8.00 (14)
Creator: 10/10
90. Yuuzhan Vong Pain, lots of pain 200 13 tolzsolt 5/5/2010 8.00 (14)
Creator: 8/10
91. Rebel forceful shooters 250 8 DarthJak 9/3/2010 8.00 (13)
Creator: 10/10
92. Republic Felucia 200 13 fingersandteeth 11/1/2008 8.00 (12)
93. Imperial Thrawn's Shadow Squad 300 21 jak 4/14/2011 8.00 (12)
Creator: 10/10
94. New Republic NR Aces 200 9 Leia 9/23/2008 8.00 (11)
Creator: 10/10
95. Sith How to Burn a Fett Point... 200 9 dahatchetjeedi 10/13/2010 8.00 (10)
Creator: 10/10
96. Separatists Sidious Pawn Of The IG Lancer 200 12 Darth Percocet 1/22/2010 7.99 (126)
Creator: 10/10
97. Republic Roll the Bones 200 18 Weeks 5/3/2012 7.97 (30)
Creator: 10/10
98. Old Republic OR Jank 200 11 greentime 3/30/2012 7.97 (30)
Creator: 9/10
99. Imperial Imp Raks 200 16 hothie 3/15/2010 7.95 (20)
100. Imperial New Raks 200 14 hothie 8/9/2009 7.95 (20)
Showing 51 - 100 of 1,236 SquadsPrevious12345...25Next

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