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The High Ground (v18 main)


30 Characters
Showing 1 - 30 of 30 Characters
# * Name Rarity Cost HitPoints Defense Atk Dmg Special Abilities Force Powers CE Rating
THG 1 Old Republic Covenant Sentinel UC 10 40 15 8 20 Melee Attack, Door Gimmick, Stealth Force 3, Controls Shatter 2, Lightsaber Block 8.33 (6)
THG 2 Old Republic Old Republic Ordnance Specialist C 14 40 14 7 30 Soldier, Trooper (Old Republic Trooper), Hero's Bodyguard, Satchel Charge, Solitary Attack 7.20 (5)
THG 3 Old Republic Raana Tey, Jedi Master VR 30 90 19 10 20 Unique, Covenant, Melee Attack, Double Attack, Bravado +10, Covenant Watch Circle, Rival (non-Covenant w/ability n/c Meditation), Specialization (Covenant allies > Bravado +10) Force 2, Force Renewal 1, Force Diminish, Lightsaber Defense 9.00 (4)
THG 4 Old Republic Satele Shan, Hero of Alderaan R 29 110 19 13 20 Unique (named Satele Shan), Melee Attack, Dominant Maneuver, Sokan, Synergy +4 (+4 Atk, n/c Soldier/Commando) Force 3, Force Renewal 1, Absorb Energy Mastery, Force Dash, Force Push 4 8.17 (6)
THG 5 Sith Darth Stryfe R 37 110 21 13 20 Unique, Melee Attack, Double Attack, Charging Assault +20, The High Ground, Sokan Force 2, Force Renewal 2, Crushing Blow, Force Awareness, Lightsaber Protection 1 7.80 (5)
THG 6 Sith Gloom Walker Recruit C 7 20 13 4 10 Trooper (Sith Trooper), Deceptive, Dive to Cover, Exclusive Loyalty (Sith faction), Synergy +4 (+4 Atk, Unique Sith ally) 7.67 (3)
THG 7 Sith Lucia, Gloom Walker Sniper R 23 70 17 9 20 Unique, Trooper (generic), Double Attack, Camaraderie (Dessel > Careful +4/Master Shot), Careful Shot +4, Coordinated Movement (trooper), Deadeye, Master Shot, Stealth 8.67 (3)
THG 8 Sith Sith Battlelord UC 40 100 19 10 20 Triple Attack, Absolute Devotion, Force-Attuned Armor, Pack Leader (n/u living Sith followers > Double Attack) Force 0, Painful Bond 9.13 (8)
THG 9 Republic Rebel Cham Syndulla VR 26 80 17 9 20 Unique, Twi'lek, Affinity (Rebel), Assassin, Hand Signals (Twi'lek allies), Interference, Perimeter Watch Has CE 9.00 (4)
THG 10 Republic Coruscant Underworld Police Officer C 13 40 16 7 20 Crowd Fighting, Grenades 20, Jolt, Sonic Stunner 6.75 (4)
THG 11 Republic Royal Naboo Guard C 18 50 16 6 10 Royal Naboo Security Forces, Synergy +2 (+2 Atk, Naboo Sec. Forces), Twin Attack, Wall Climber Specialist 7.75 (4)
THG 12 Separatists Neimoidians at Central Control Computer UC 34 160 12 1 10 Central Control, Disciplined Leader, Emplacement, Fire Control, Rapport (Non-Unique Droids -1) Has CE 6.43 (7)
THG 13 Separatists Riff Tamson R 28 80 18 12 20 Unique, Melee Attack, Mobile Attack, Charging Assault +10, Explosive Knives 40, Parry, Rolling Evade, Stable Footing, Terrain Mastery 9.00 (7)
THG 14 Rebel Alexsandr Kallus R 31 90 17 11 20 Unique, Ghost Crew, Bo-rifle, Close-Quarters Fighting, Dive to Cover, Espionage, Rapport (n/c Zeb Orrelios, -6), Synergy +4 (Zeb Orrelios/Ghost Crew w/CEs, +4 Atk) Has CE 9.00 (4)
THG 15 Rebel Rebel Battlefront Commando C 24 70 18 9 20 SpecForce, Backlash, Grenades 30, Perimeter Watch, Satchel Charge, Shields 1, Stealth 8.50 (4)
THG 16 Imperial BB-9E R 10 50 16 0 0 Unique, Droid, First Order, Electric Grid, It's a Trap!, Manual Override, Stealth, Wheel Form 7.83 (6)
THG 17 Imperial Eli Vanto VR 27 80 18 10 20 Unique, Clear Strategy, Coordinated Movement (Chiss or Imp ally), Interdict, Rapport (-10, Thrawn, Chiss Emissary, Situational Awareness Has CE 7.60 (5)
THG 18 Imperial Elite Storm Commando C 24 60 19 8 10 Double Attack, Greater Mobile Attack, Evade, Opportunist, Stealth, Storm Commando 7.75 (8)
THG 19 Imperial Occupier TX-225 Assault Tank UC 55 120 19 13 30 Double Attack, Greater Mobile Attack, Rigid, Advanced Diffusion Armor, Dual Weapon Use, Huge Walker, Immutable, Missiles 40, Mobile Shield, Mounted Weapon, Remarkable Power, Stable Footing 8.29 (7)
THG 20 New Republic Black Squadron Pilot C 15 40 15 6 10 Pilot, Resistance, Escape Maneuver, Squad Assault, Twin Attack 6.75 (4)
THG 21 New Republic Danni Quee VR 20 60 16 7 20 Unique, Double Attack, Interference, Vongsense, Yammosk Jammer Force 3, Force Sense, Force Sense 3 7.60 (5)
THG 22 New Republic Octa Ramis R 29 90 18 10 20 Unique, Pilot, Melee Attack, Double Attack, Cunning Attack, Master Hacker, The High Ground, Unyielding Force 2, Force Renewal 1, Lightsaber Defense, Surprise Attack Has CE 9.00 (4)
THG 23 New Republic Paige Tico, Resistance Gunner VR 15 50 16 6 10 Unique, Pilot, Bodyguard, Grenades 20, Gunner +20, Satchel Charge 7.67 (3)
THG 24 Fringe Bane Malar, Bounty Hunter R 39 80 18 10 20 Unique, Black Sun, Hutt Cartel, Double Attack, Advantageous Attack, Bounty Hunter +4, Evade, Glitterstim Addict Force 4, Force Sense, Mind Probe, Telekinesis 8.00 (3)
THG 25 Fringe Dexter Jettster VR 12 50 16 4 10 Unique, Melee Attack, Twin Attack, Advanced Warning (Unique allies), Clamp, Relay Orders, Saber Dart Has CE 7.67 (3)
THG 26 Fringe Kneesaa, Ewok Princess VR 2 10 7 0 10 Unique, Melee Attack, Egalitarian, Exclusive Loyalty (Ewoks), Swarm +1 (Ewok) 8.47 (17)
THG 27 Fringe Mother Talzin VR 31 90 18 9 10 Unique, Nightsister, Melee Attack, Camaraderie (n/c Maul > Nightbrother), Rapport (Nightsisters, -2) Force 2, Force Renewal 1, Master of the Force 2, Chain Lightning 2, Controls Shatter 2, Force Bubble (1) Has CE 8.67 (9)
THG 28 Fringe Porg C 5 10 8 -1 -1 Diminutive, Flight, Speed 4, Adorable, Porg's Nest 5.00 (10)
THG 29 Mandalorians Protectorate Starfighter Pilot C 16 50 15 7 10 Pilot, Mandalorian Protector, Advantageous Attack, Twin Attack, Unyielding 6.33 (3)
THG 30 Yuuzhan Vong Yorik-Et Squad Leader UC 25 60 17 8 10 Pilot, Melee Attack, Cognition Hood, Firejelly, Force Immunity, Overload, Plasma Eel, Vonduun Crab Armor 11 Has CE 9.40 (5)
Showing 1 - 30 of 30 Characters
122 Special Abilities (27 New)
Showing 1 - 122 of 122 Special Abilities
Name Text Chars Set
Absolute Devotion Whenever this character would take damage, he may attempt a save of 6. On a success, a living ally within 6 squares may take the damage instead. 1 BHC
Adorable This character does not violate the requirements of Allegiance or commander effects which specify, “your squad contains only.” Once per turn, before an ally rolls a save, you may consider 1 character with Adorable in your squad activated to get +2 to that save. 1 THG
Advanced Diffusion Armor Whenever this character takes more than 10 damage, immediately reduce the damage to 10. The reduced damage cannot be prevented or redirected. Adjacent enemies ignore this ability. 1 UF
Advanced Warning If this character has line of sight to an enemy, Unique allies gain Relay Orders 1 EA
Advantageous Attack +10 Damage against an enemy who has not activated this round 2 CS
Affinity May be in a Rebel squad 1 TFU
Assassin +4 Attack and +10 Damage against living enemies 1 RaR
Backlash This character can move and then make all of its attacks against 1 enemy who has already activated this round 1 RaR
Black Sun If a character whose name contains Xizor or Vigo is in the same squad, this character gains Grenades 10 1 BH
Bo-rifle Replaces attacks: Make 2 attacks against the same adjacent enemy; these count as melee attacks. On a hit, living target is considered activated this round; save 6. 1 REB
Bodyguard If an adjacent ally would take damage from an attack, this character can take the damage instead 1 RS
Bounty Hunter +4 +4 Attack against Unique enemies 1 RS
Bravado +10 +4 Attack and +10 Damage against an adjacent enemy with a higher point cost 1 DotF
Camaraderie An ally named Dessel gains Careful Shot +4 and Master Shot 1 THG
Careful Shot +4 On this character's turn, if it doesn't move, it gets +4 Attack 1 RS
Charging Assault +10 Replaces turn: Can move up to double speed, then make an attack at +10 Damage against an adjacent enemy 1 UH
Charging Assault +20 Replaces turn: Can move up to double speed, then make an attack at +20 Damage against an adjacent enemy 1 UH
Clamp An enemy hit by this character's attack takes +10 Damage and cannot move this round; save 11 negates 1 MotF
Clear Strategy +4 Attack, +4 Defense and +10 Damage while this character occupies a square without terrain, and which not bordered by a wall or closed door 1 THG
Close-Quarters Fighting +4 Attack against adjacent enemies 1 LotF
Coordinated Movement At the end of this character's turn, 1 trooper ally may immediately move up to 2 squares 1 OtOR
Coordinated Movement At the end of this character's turn. 1 Chiss or Imperial ally may immediately move up to 2 squares 1 THG
Covenant 1 Ven
Covenant Watch Circle Unless you roll a 1, add +1 to the initiative roll for each Covenant ally adjacent to this character. Only one character with this ability may modify your initiative roll. 1 GH
Crowd Fighting This character gets +2 Attack for every adjacent character other than its target 1 RotS
Cunning Attack +4 Attack and +10 Damage against an enemy who has not activated this round 1 RS
Deadeye On this character's turn, if it doesn't move, it gets +10 Damage 1 CS
Deceptive +10 Damage against an enemy who has activated this round 1 TFU
Diminutive This character does not provide cover or block movement 1 GF
Disciplined Leader This character's commander effect cannot be suppressed 1 Ven
Dive to Cover If this character ends its turn adjacent to low objects or a square bordered by a closed door or wall, it can immediately move into that square 2 THG
Dominant Maneuver Ignores lower cost enemies while moving 1 THG
Door Gimmick At the end of its turn, this character can designate 1 door that it can see as open; it remains open until the end of this character's next turn, or until it is defeated 1 RotS
Double Attack On its turn, this character can make 1 extra attack instead of moving 8 RS
Droid Immune to critical hits; not subject to commander effects 1 RS
Dual Weapon Use Replaces attacks: Make an attack, then use one other special ability that replaces attacks 1 EA
Egalitarian Does not count as Unique for the purposes of Allies' abilities and commander effects but counts as non-Unique instead 1 THG
Emplacement Cannot move or be moved. Set up anywhere on your half of the battle map. 1 TFU
Escape Maneuver At the start of its turn, this character may be placed in a low objects square within 4 squares. It may still make its regular movement this turn. 1 THG
Espionage This character has Disruptive until it makes an attack 1 THG
Evade When hit by an attack from a nonadjacent enemy, this character takes no damage with a save of 11 2 CS
Exclusive Loyalty Not subject to commander effects of allies who are not Ewoks 1 THG
Exclusive Loyalty Not subject to commander effects of allies who are not Sith 1 THG
Fire Control Non-Unique Droid allies get +4 Attack 1 CS
Firejelly Replaces attacks: Designate 1 door within 3 squares as open; it remains open for the rest of the skirmish and cannot be closed 1 Ven
First Order 1 TFA
Flight Ignores difficult terrain, enemy characters, low objects, and pits when moving 1 RS
Force Immunity Enemies cannot affect this character with Force powers, or spend Force points to reroll attacks against this character or to respond to this character's attacks and abilities 1 UH
Force-Attuned Armor Whenever this character takes damage, it reduces the damage by 10 with a save of 11 1 JA
Ghost Crew 1 REB
Greater Mobile Attack Can move both before and after attacking. This character can make extra attacks even if it moves this turn, but it must make them all before resuming movement. 2 LotF
Grenades 20 Replaces attacks: range 6; 20 damage to target and to each character adjacent to that target; save 11 2 UH
Grenades 30 Replaces attacks: range 6; 30 damage to target and to each character adjacent to that target; save 11 1 LotF
Gunner +20 Can combine fire with adjacent allies who have Mounted Weapon, granting +20 Damage 1 GaW
Hand Signals Twi'lek allies are not affected by enemy abilities that suppress commander effects while they have line of sight to this character 1 THG
Hero's Bodyguard If an adjacent Unique ally would take damage from an attack, this character can take the damage instead 1 UA
Huge Walker Ignores Medium or smaller characters while moving 1 VoW
Hutt Cartel 1 LTA
Immutable Not subject to allied commander effects, special abilities, or Force powers 1 MCA
Interdict Suppresses commander effects and special abilities (both enemy and ally) that replace characters in a squad 1 UF
Interference Non-Unique enemies within 6 squares are not affected by commander effects; Non-Unique enemy commanders within 6 squares have their commander effects suppressed 2 UF
It's a Trap! Enemies with Stealth within 6 squares lose Stealth 1 UH
Jolt An enemy hit by this character's attack is considered activated this round; save 11. Huge and larger characters ignore this effect. 1 TFU
Mandalorian Protector Counts as a character named Mandalorian Protector 1 SnV
Manual Override At the end of its turn, this character can designate 1 adjacent door as open or closed; it remains open or closed until the end of this character's next turn, or until it is defeated 1 REB
Master Hacker Once per round, after initiative is determined, this character can cancel a special ability used by an enemy to designate a door as temporarily open or closed 1 TLJ
Master Shot On this character's turn, if it doesn't move, it can attack enemies with cover even if not the nearest enemy; enemies attacked by this character cannot use Evade 1 RTP
Melee Attack Can attack only adjacent enemies 10 RS
Missiles 40 Replaces attacks: sight; 40 damage to target and to each character adjacent to that target; save 11 1 UH
Mobile Attack Can move both before and after attacking 1 RS
Mobile Shield Adjacent allies gain Advantageous Cover 1 THG
Mounted Weapon Only allies with Mounted Weapon or adjacent allies with Gunner can combine fire with this character 1 RotS
Nightsister Counts as a character whose name contains Nightsister 1 Ven
Opportunist +4 Attack and +10 Damage against an enemy who has activated this round 1 UH
Overload Can use 2 abilities that replace attacks instead of 1 on its turn 1 CotG
Pack Leader Non-Unique living Sith followers gain Double Attack. You may not have more than one character with Pack Leader in your squad. 1 THG
Parry When hit by a melee attack, this character takes no damage with a save of 11 1 BH
Perimeter Watch This character gains Double Attack while in low objects or in a square bordered by a wall or closed door 2 THG
Pilot 5 AE
Plasma Eel Replaces attacks: sight; 20 damage to target and to each character adjacent to that target; save 11 1 Ven
Porg's Nest Suppresses allied commander effects that alter the number of activations per phase. Usable once per round, at the end of an ally’s turn when all characters in your squad are activated. If an opponent has at least 3 unactivated characters, add 2 Porgs to your squad, adjacent to this character and in or adjacent to low objects. 1 THG
Rapport Costs 10 less when in the same squad as a character named Thrawn, Chiss Emissary 1 THG
Rapport Non-Unique Droids cost 1 less when in a squad with this character 1 CW
Relay Orders Each allied commander can count distance from this character as well as from itself for the purpose of commander effects 1 IE
Remarkable Power Damage from this character's attacks and special abilities cannot be prevented or redirected 1 THG
Resistance 1 TFA
Rigid Can't squeeze 1 RotS
Rival Cannot be in a squad with any non-Covenant character with an ability whose name contains Meditation 1 UF
Rolling Evade When hit by an attack from a nonadjacent enemy, with a save of 11, this character takes no damage and may immediately move up to 2 squares without provoking attacks of opportunity 1 TFA
Royal Naboo Security Forces 1 BoT
Saber Dart Replaces attacks: sight; ignore cover; 1 target enemy takes 20 damage and is poisoned; save 11. Each time a poisoned character activates it takes 20 damage; save 11 negates and it is no longer poisoned. 1 SnV
Satchel Charge Replaces attacks: Designate 1 adjacent door as open; it remains open for the rest of the skirmish and cannot be closed 3 CotF
Shields 1 When this character takes damage, it reduces the damage dealt by 10 with a save of 11 1 TFU
Situational Awareness After two enemies without line of sight to each other exchange positions, both take 20 damage 1 THG
Sokan This character ignores Rigged Detonators. When this character is in a square with low objects, enemies automatically fail saves against this character's attacks and abilities. 2 LTA
Soldier Counts as a character named Old Republic Soldier 1 KotOR
Solitary Attack Cannot gain Double, Triple, Quadruple, Extra, or Twin Attack 1 UF
Sonic Stunner Replaces attacks: range 6; living target and each living character adjacent to that target are considered activated this round; save 11 negates. Huge and larger characters ignore this special ability. 1 BH
SpecForce 1 MCA
Specialization Covenant allies gain Bravado +10. Ignore this ability if any ally counts as having the same name as another ally. 1 THG
Speed 4 Can move only 4 squares and attack, or 8 squares without attacking 1 UH
Squad Assault +4 Attack while 3 allies with the same name as this character are within 6 squares 1 KotOR
Stable Footing Not slowed by difficult terrain or low objects 2 LotF
Stealth If this character has cover, it does not count as the nearest enemy for an attacker farther than 6 squares when choosing targets 5 RS
Swarm +1 +1 Attack against a target for each allied Ewok adjacent to that target 1 RS
Synergy +2 +2 Attack and +2 Defense while an ally with Royal Naboo Security Forces is within 6 squares 1 THG
Synergy +4 +4 Attack and +4 Defense while a Unique Sith ally is within 6 squares 1 THG
Synergy +4 +4 Attack while an ally whose name contains Soldier or Commando is within 6 squares 1 THG
Synergy +4 An ally named Zeb Orrelios and allied commanders with Ghost Crew get +4 attack while within 6 squares of this character 1 THG
The High Ground While this character is in low objects, it can make an attack of opportunity against enemies who move into or out of an adjacent square, and enemies hit by this attack of opportunity immediately end their move. Characters with abilities that ignore attacks of opportunity or characters while moving are subject to this ability. 2 THG
Triple Attack On its turn, this character can make 2 extra attacks instead of moving 1 RS
Trooper 1 GH
Trooper Counts as a character named Sith Trooper 1 KotOR
Trooper Counts as a character named Old Republic Trooper 1 GH
Twi'lek 1 OtOR
Twin Attack Whenever this character attacks, it makes 1 extra attack against the same target 4 BH
Unique 15 RS
Unique Counts as a character named Satele Shan 1 THG
Vonduun Crab Armor 11 When this character takes damage, it can reduce the damage dealt by 10 with a save of 11 1 UH
Vongsense Ignores Force Immunity of Yuuzhan Vong enemies 1 DotF
Wall Climber Specialist This character gains Speed 8 if it begins its move adjacent to a wall. It ignores difficult terrain, enemy characters, low objects, and pits when moving as long as a square it occupies and a square it is moving into are adjacent to a wall. 1 THG
Wheel Form This character can move up to 18 squares if it does not attack 1 CS
Showing 1 - 122 of 122 Special Abilities
23 Force Powers
Showing 1 - 23 of 23 Force Powers
Name Text Chars Set
Absorb Energy Mastery Force 2: When hit by a nonmelee attack or an attack with a lightsaber, this character takes no damage with a save of 11. Remove damage from this character equal to the prevented damage. 1 Epic3
Chain Lightning 2 Force 2, replaces attacks: range 6; 20 damage to target and to each enemy within 2 squares of the target 1 TLJ
Crushing Blow Force 2: +10 Damage on all attacks this turn. Enemies damaged by this character’s attacks get -2 Defense for the rest of the skirmish. 1 GH
Force 0 1 LTA
Force 2 4 RS
Force 3 3 RS
Force 4 1 RS
Force Awareness Force 2: replaces attacks; For the rest of the skirmish, once per round, this character can immediately move up to his speed after an enemy changes position outside of its turn 1 UF
Force Bubble Force 1: When this character takes damage, reduce the damage dealt by 20 1 LotF
Force Dash Force 2, replaces attacks: Move this character up to its Speed. After moving, this character may make 2 attacks 1 RTP
Force Diminish Force 2: At the end of this character's turn, choose 1 enemy commander effect. Until the end of the round, the chosen commander effect is suppressed farther than 6 squares from that commander or its allies with Relay Orders 1 UA
Force Push 4 Force 4, replaces attacks: sight; 40 damage; push back target 4 squares if Huge or smaller 1 TFU
Force Renewal 1 This character gets 1 Force point each time it activates 4 RS
Force Renewal 2 This character gets 2 Force points each time it activates 1 CotF
Force Sense Force 1, usable only on this character's turn: Enemy characters lose Stealth for the rest of the round 2 CotF
Force Sense 3 Force 3, usable only on this character's turn: Enemy characters lose Stealth and Cloaked for the rest of the round 1 UA
Lightsaber Block Force 1: When hit by a melee attack, this character takes no damage with a save of 11 1 CS
Lightsaber Defense Force 1: When hit by an attack, this character takes no damage with a save of 11 2 JA
Lightsaber Protection 1 Force 1: This turn, when this character would take over 20 damage, reduce the damage to 20. The reduced damage cannot be prevented or redirected. 1 UF
Master of the Force 2 May spend Force points up to 2 times in a single turn 1 CotF
Mind Probe Force 1: Once per round, before initiative is determined, if this character is adjacent to an enemy, add +6 to your roll 1 TFA
Surprise Attack Force 2: Once per round, after initiative is determined, this character can make an immediate attack 1 SnV
Telekinesis Force 2: When hit by an attack, this character takes no damage and cannot be targeted for the rest of this turn unless the attacker makes a save of 11 1 TFA
Showing 1 - 23 of 23 Force Powers

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