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Unexpected Allies (v15 main)


30 Characters
Showing 1 - 30 of 30 Characters
# * Name Rarity Cost HitPoints Defense Atk Dmg Special Abilities Force Powers CE Rating
UA 1 Old Republic Jedi Master Vodo-Siosk Baas R 38 130 20 13 20 Unique, Melee Attack, Twin Attack, Lightsaber Duelist, Tedryn Holocron Force 4, Force Bubble (1), Force Sense 3, Force Weapon, Knight Speed 7.88 (8)
UA 2 Old Republic Theron Shan, SIS Operative R 27 70 17 10 10 Unique, Soldier, Dual Weapon Use, Enhanced Infrared Vision, Paralysis, Rolling Evade, Virulent Poison Dart 20 6.83 (6)
UA 3 Old Republic Wookiee Commander UC 18 60 17 10 20 Affinity (n/u Rebel/Repub Wookiees), Coordinated Movement (Wookiee ally) Has CE 7.75 (4)
UA 4 Sith Dark Disciple C 11 40 16 7 10 Melee Attack, Cultist, Sith Pawn, Worship Force 1, Controls Shatter 1 7.71 (7)
UA 5 Sith Darth Vader of Scarif R 49 130 22 15 20 Unique, Melee Attack, Double Attack, Affinity (Imp with n/c Krennic), Damage Reduction 10, Dominant, Force Attuned Force 2, Force Renewal 1, Master of the Force 2, Dominant Force Grab 3, Lightsaber Defense, Lightsaber Sweep 6.93 (14)
UA 6 Sith Lord Vitiate, Sith Emperor VR 61 150 22 15 20 Unique, Melee Attack, Triple Attack, Presence of the Dark Side Force 4, Force Renewal 1, Master of the Force 2, Drain Life 4, Environment Manipulation, Illusion Has CE 7.38 (8)
UA 7 Republic Gungan Warrior C 18 70 16 10 20 Melee Attack, Double Attack, Melee Reach 3, Electropole Throw, Farseein 7.14 (7)
UA 8 Republic Ric Olie with R2-A6 VR 26 70 17 9 20 Unique, Pilot, Speed 8, Royal Naboo Security Forces, Camaraderie (med. n/c Anakin Skywalker > Pilot), Evade, Greater Mobile Attack, Survival Expert (+4) Has CE 8.63 (8)
UA 9 Separatists Kul Teska R 42 80 18 12 20 Unique, Pilot, Double Attack, Twin Attack, Flight, Impact Wave, Improved Missiles 20, Rival (n/c Cad Bane), Satchel Charge, Shields 1 9.00 (6)
UA 10 Separatists OOM Security Battle Droid C 8 10 11 3 10 Droid, Hero's Bodyguard, Synergy +2 (Unique Sep allies, +2 atk/+2 def) 9.00 (4)
UA 11 Separatists Scorpenek Annihilator Droid UC 61 160 16 10 20 Droid, Double Attack, Twin Attack, Damage Reduction 10, Mounted Weapon, Particle Energy Shield, Shield Interference 8.40 (5)
UA 12 Rebel Bodhi Rook VR 19 50 16 4 10 Unique, Pilot, Rogue One, Call For Support, False Identification, Inside Information, Relay Orders 7.60 (5)
UA 13 Rebel Rogue One Marine UC 16 50 15 6 20 Coordinated Movement (Unique Rogue One ally), Satchel Charge, Stealth, Synergy +4 (+4 atk/+4 def, Unique Rogue One ally), Rogue One 8.83 (6)
UA 14 Imperial First Order Flametrooper C 26 50 16 0 10 Melee Attack, Flamethrower 30, Rapport (-4, w/First Order commander), First Order 8.00 (6)
UA 15 Imperial Rebel Galen Erso VR 18 30 13 1 10 Unique, Melee Attack, Affinity (Rebel), Death Star Engineer, Double Agent, Exploit Vulnerability, Internal Strife 8.33 (6)
UA 16 New Republic Kol Skywalker, New Republic Bastion R 52 130 21 14 20 Unique, Melee Attack, Triple Attack, Defense Beacon, Evade, Stifling Attack Force 3, Force Renewal 1, Master of the Force 2, Force Push 2, Lightsaber Assault, Lightsaber Defense 8.14 (7)
UA 17 New Republic Mirax Terrik R 26 70 17 8 20 Unique, Pilot, Double Attack, Backlash, Camaraderie (n/c Horn > Backlash), Stealth, Synergy +2 (+2 atk/+2 def, n/c Booster or Horn) 7.00 (3)
UA 18 New Republic Resistance Commando UC 16 50 16 6 10 Door Gimmick, Grenades 30, Stealth, Synergy +3 (+3 atk/+3 def, Unique Resistance), Resistance 7.33 (3)
UA 19 New Republic Resistance Medical Officer C 10 30 14 1 10 Melee Attack, Heal 10, Medical Scan, Resistance 8.50 (6)
UA 20 New Republic Snap Wexley, Resistance Pilot R 13 50 16 6 20 Unique, Recon, Scanner, Tenacious, Pilot, Resistance 7.40 (5)
UA 21 Fringe Kouhun C 12 10 17 -1 -1 Cloaked, Non-sentient, Poison Sting, Wall Climber 8.33 (3)
UA 22 Fringe Nico Okarr R 34 80 18 10 20 Unique, Pilot, Double Attack, Counterstrike, Eager For Action (Unique Force-rated ally), Pinpoint Attacks, Quick Draw 8.75 (4)
UA 23 Fringe Prowler 1000 Seeker Droid C 4 10 8 -1 -1 Droid, Diminutive, Flight, Low Caste, Scanner 7.50 (4)
UA 24 Fringe Saurin GenoHaradan Liaison UC 19 60 16 9 20 Trandoshan, Clan Leader (n/u Fringe foll. w/10+ dmg > Political Operative), Political Operative Has CE 8.33 (3)
UA 25 Fringe Saw Gerrera VR 24 70 17 8 10 Unique, Rebel, Rogue One, Ghost Crew, Double Attack, Camaraderie (Jyn Erso > Survival Expert +2), Noble Sacrifice (Rebel ally), Survival Expert +2 Has CE 6.40 (5)
UA 26 Fringe Thrawn, Chiss Emissary VR 59 80 18 12 20 Unique, Melee Attack, Twin Attack, Deceptive, Disciplined Tactician, One Step Ahead, Rapport 15 (-15 w/Chiss Fleet Off or Chiss Asc. Comm.) Has CE 7.00 (4)
UA 27 Fringe Zuckuss and 4-LOM VR 57 130 18 8 30 Unique, Droid, Double Attack, Bounty Hunter +4, Careful Shot +4, Intuition, Single-Shot Blaster, Smoke Screen, Stun Mortar, Teamwork Force 2, Force Sense 9.00 (8)
UA 28 Mandalorians Goran Beviin VR 36 80 18 11 20 Unique, Double Attack, Beskar'gam, Bounty Hunter +2, Crushgaunt, Exterminate, Parry, Single-Shot Blaster, Vong Hunter 8.25 (4)
UA 29 Mandalorians Neo-Crusader Shock Trooper C 17 40 16 8 20 Double Attack, Armored Spacesuit, Beskar'gam, Breach, Verpine Shatter Rifle 8.80 (5)
UA 30 Yuuzhan Vong Yuuzhan Vong Grafting Shaper UC 12 40 16 4 10 Melee Attack, Force Immunity, Graft Has CE 7.83 (6)
Showing 1 - 30 of 30 Characters
112 Special Abilities (36 New)
Showing 1 - 112 of 112 Special Abilities
Name Text Chars Set
Affinity May be in a Rebel squad 1 TFU
Affinity May be in an Imperial squad that does not contain any commanders 1 UA
Armored Spacesuit Immune to critical hits 1 MotF
Backlash This character can move and then make all of its attacks against 1 enemy who has already activated this round 1 RaR
Beskar'gam When this character takes damage, it reduces the damage dealt by 10 with a save of 11 2 DotF
Bounty Hunter +2 +2 Attack against Unique enemies 1 BH
Bounty Hunter +4 +4 Attack against Unique enemies 1 RS
Breach Replaces attacks: Designate 1 adjacent closed door as open; it remains open for the rest of the skirmish and cannot be closed. Other characters adjacent to that door take 30 damage; save 11 to reduce the damage to 10. 1 UA
Call For Support If all Unique allies are Rogue One allies, at the end of this character's turn you may move a Unique ally within 6 squares up to 6 squares 1 UA
Camaraderie A character whose name contains Horn gains Backlash 1 UA
Camaraderie A Medium ally whose name contains Anakin Skywalker gains Pilot 1 UA
Camaraderie An ally named Jyn Erso gains Survival Expert +2 1 UA
Careful Shot +4 On this character's turn, if it doesn't move, it gets +4 Attack 1 RS
Clan Leader Non-Unique Fringe followers with printed Damage ratings greater than 0 gain Political Operative 1 UA
Cloaked If this character has cover, it cannot be targeted by nonadjacent enemies 1 KotOR
Coordinated Movement At the end of this character's turn, 1 Unique Rogue One ally may immediately move up to 2 squares 1 UA
Counterstrike When this character is hit by a nonadjacent attack, make a save of 11. On a success, this character can make an immediate attack against that attacker. This attack does not use the targeting rules. 1 SHA
Crushgaunt This character's adjacent attacks count as melee attacks and cannot be prevented 1 UA
Cultist While a character with Dark Force Spirit is within 4 squares, this character gains Force Renewal 1 and Sith Rage 1 LTA
Damage Reduction 10 Whenever this character takes damage, reduce the damage dealt by 10. Attacks with lightsabers ignore this special ability. 2 UH
Death Star Engineer Allied Imperial commanders within 4 squares gain Doctrine of Fear 1 UA
Deceptive +10 Damage against an enemy who has activated this round 1 TFU
Defense Beacon This turn, an enemy that started or became adjacent to this character cannot both move more than 6 squares and attack more than once 1 UF
Diminutive This character does not provide cover or block movement 1 GF
Disciplined Tactician Suppresses enemy and allied special abilities, commander effects, and Force powers that modify initiative 1 UA
Dominant Whenever a lower-cost enemy damages this character, that enemy takes 10 damage; save 11 1 UA
Door Gimmick At the end of its turn, this character can designate 1 door that it can see as open; it remains open until the end of this character's next turn, or until it is defeated 1 RotS
Double Agent Suppresses enemy and allied commander effects that alter the number of activations per phase 1 WaS
Double Attack On its turn, this character can make 1 extra attack instead of moving 10 RS
Droid Immune to critical hits; not subject to commander effects 4 RS
Dual Weapon Use Replaces attacks: Make an attack, then use one other special ability that replaces attacks 1 EA
Eager For Action Whenever a Unique ally with a Force rating ends its move within 6 squares of this character, it may immediately move up to 2 squares 1 UA
Electropole Throw Replaces attacks: sight; target 1 enemy ignoring cover at +7 Attack for 10 Damage; +10 Damage against Droid enemies. This counts as a nonmelee attack. 1 UA
Enhanced Infrared Vision Enemies with Cloaked within 6 squares lose Cloaked 1 UA
Evade When hit by an attack from a nonadjacent enemy, this character takes no damage with a save of 11 2 CS
Exploit Vulnerability Rebel followers within line of sight gain Deadly Attack and Vicious Attack 1 UA
Exterminate While this character is adjacent to any character, this character and adjacent enemies lose Avoid Defeat 1 UF
False Identification A nonadjacent enemy cannot target this character or adjacent allies unless that enemy had line of sight to the target at the start of the turn; save 11. 1 EA
Farseein After initiative has been determined, if this character has line of sight to an enemy, 1 Gungan ally within 3 squares may immediately move up to six squares before any other character activates 1 UA
First Order 1 TFA
Flamethrower 30 Replaces attacks; range 6; 30 damage to target and to each character adjacent to that target 1 Epic3
Flight Ignores difficult terrain, enemy characters, low objects, and pits when moving 2 RS
Force Attuned Once per turn on its turn, this character may use a Force Power that replaces attacks or turn, without replacing attacks or turn 1 UF
Force Immunity Enemies cannot affect this character with Force powers, or spend Force points to reroll attacks against this character or to respond to this character's attacks and abilities 1 UH
Ghost Crew 1 REB
Graft Replaces turn: remove an adjacent Savage ally from play; that character is defeated. Then remove damage from another adjacent Yuuzhan Vong ally equal to the remaining Hit Points of the defeated character. 1 UA
Greater Mobile Attack Can move both before and after attacking. This character can make extra attacks even if it moves this turn, but it must make them all before resuming movement. 1 LotF
Grenades 30 Replaces attacks: range 6; 30 damage to target and to each character adjacent to that target; save 11 1 LotF
Heal 10 Replaces attacks: touch; remove 10 damage from a living character 1 RotS
Hero's Bodyguard If an adjacent Unique ally would take damage from an attack, this character can take the damage instead 1 UA
Impact Wave At the end of this character's turn, he may immediately push back adjacent Huge or smaller characters to 3 squares away 1 UA
Improved Missiles 20 Replaces attacks, sight: 20 damage to target and to each character adjacent to that target; save 16 1 Ven
Inside Information Replaces attacks: If this character has line of sight to an enemy at the start of his turn, 10 damage to any 1 enemy in an opponent's starting zone; save 16 1 FFA
Internal Strife On an attack roll of natural 1, this character joins the opponent's squad until the end of the skirmish 1 JA
Intuition Once per round, after initiative is determined, this character can immediately move up to its speed before any other character activates 1 BH
Lightsaber Duelist +4 Defense when attacked by an adjacent enemy with a Force rating 1 CS
Low Caste Cannot be added to a squad via any character’s Reinforcements or Reserves abilities. This character's cost cannot be reduced. 1 AaO
Medical Scan Usable once per round on this character’s turn; range 12; remove 10 damage from a living ally 1 TOR
Melee Attack Can attack only adjacent enemies 11 RS
Melee Reach 3 When attacking, this character treats enemies up to 3 squares away as adjacent 1 LotF
Mounted Weapon Only allies with Mounted Weapon or adjacent allies with Gunner can combine fire with this character 1 RotS
Noble Sacrifice When this character is defeated, 1 Rebel ally may make an immediate attack 1 UA
Non-sentient Not subject to commander effects. This character cannot gain Diplomat or Aggressive Negotiations. 1 INV
One Step Ahead Once per skirmish: this character's or an ally's next attack or save roll counts as a natural 11 1 UA
Paralysis A living enemy hit by this character's attack is considered activated this round; save 11 1 UH
Parry When hit by a melee attack, this character takes no damage with a save of 11 1 BH
Particle Energy Shield While this character is at half Hit Points or more: Allies with cover from this character cannot be targeted by nonadjacent enemies; adjacent allies gain Damage Reduction 10 1 UA
Pilot 6 AE
Pinpoint Attacks Replaces turn: can move up to double speed, then choose up to three lower-cost targets within 6 squares, ignoring cover. Attack each target once. 1 WaS
Poison Sting Usable on this character's turn: touch; target living enemy takes 30 damage; save 16 for 10 damage instead. Ignores Diplomat. 1 UA
Political Operative Ignores Diplomat when targeting or attacking an enemy within 6 squares 1 EA
Presence of the Dark Side Once per turn, an enemy that activates or ends its move within 6 squares of this character loses 1 Force point and takes 10 damage; save 11 1 SHA
Quick Draw This character can make an attack of opportunity against enemies with special abilities or Force powers that ignore characters while moving 1 TOR
Rapport Costs 4 less when in the same squad as a Unique First Order commander 1 UA
Rebel 1 UA
Recon Roll twice for initiative once per round, choosing either roll, if any character with Recon in the same squad has line of sight to an enemy 1 RS
Relay Orders Each allied commander can count distance from this character as well as from itself for the purpose of commander effects 1 IE
Resistance 3 TFA
Rival Cannot be in a squad with a character whose name contains Cad Bane 1 UA
Rogue One 3 RG1
Rolling Evade When hit by an attack from a nonadjacent enemy, with a save of 11, this character takes no damage and may immediately move up to 2 squares without provoking attacks of opportunity 1 TFA
Royal Naboo Security Forces 1 BoT
Satchel Charge Replaces attacks: Designate 1 adjacent door as open; it remains open for the rest of the skirmish and cannot be closed 2 CotF
Scanner Usable at the start of an ally's turn: this turn, enemies adjacent to this character lose Stealth and Cloaked. At the end of the turn this character is defeated. 2 UA
Shield Interference Shield abilities of adjacent characters are suppressed 1 UA
Shields 1 When this character takes damage, it reduces the damage dealt by 10 with a save of 11 1 TFU
Single-Shot Blaster This character cannot gain Twin Attack 2 Ven
Sith Pawn Once per turn, you may remove a character with Sith Pawn from play to reroll one ally's attack or save, unless that character's original roll was a 1. This character is defeated. 1 SnV
Smoke Screen Replaces attacks: For the rest of the round, this character and allies within 2 squares are considered to have cover 1 SHA
Soldier Counts as a character named Old Republic Soldier 1 KotOR
Speed 8 Can move up to 8 squares and attack, or 16 squares without attacking 1 RotS
Stealth If this character has cover, it does not count as the nearest enemy for an attacker farther than 6 squares when choosing targets 3 RS
Stifling Attack On this character's turn, adjacent enemies cannot use special abilities that respond to its attacks 1 UF
Stun Mortar Replaces attacks: sight; living target and each living character adjacent to that target are considered activated this round; save 11 negates. Huge and larger characters ignore this special ability. 1 DT
Survival Expert +4 to this character’s save rolls 1 CotG
Survival Expert +2 +2 to this character's save rolls 1 UA
Synergy +2 +2 Attack and +2 Defense while an ally whose name contains Booster or Horn is within 6 squares 1 UA
Synergy +2 Unique Separatist allies get +2 Defense while within 6 squares of this character 1 UA
Synergy +3 +3 Attack and +3 Defense while a Unique Resistance ally is within 6 squares 1 UA
Synergy +4 +4 Attack and +4 Defense while a Unique Rogue One ally is within 6 squares 1 UA
Teamwork At the end of this character's turn, it may immediately make an attack or use an ability that replaces attacks 1 EA
Tedryn Holocron At the start of the skirmish, choose 1 ally named Jedi Holocron: For the rest of the skirmish, that ally gains Force Diminish 1 UA
Tenacious Enemies cannot use Opportunist, Deceptive, Devious, or Backlash against this character 1 UF
Trandoshan 1 CW
Triple Attack On its turn, this character can make 2 extra attacks instead of moving 2 RS
Twin Attack Whenever this character attacks, it makes 1 extra attack against the same target 4 BH
Unique 16 RS
Verpine Shatter Rifle Replaces turn: Choose 1 enemy within line of sight, ignoring cover. Make an attack against that enemy. 1 Ven
Virulent Poison Dart 20 Replaces attacks: range 6; 20 damage to target living enemy; save 16 1 WaS
Vong Hunter +4 Attack and +10 Damage against Yuuzhan Vong characters 1 DotF
Wall Climber This character ignores difficult terrain, enemy characters, low objects, and pits when moving as long as a square it occupies and a square it is moving into are adjacent to a wall 1 UH
Worship Unique Sith allies within 6 squares with a Force rating and a printed cost greater than 60 get +4 Attack; also +10 Damage if they have 2 allies with Worship within 6 squares 1 UA
Showing 1 - 112 of 112 Special Abilities
20 Force Powers (5 New)
Showing 1 - 20 of 20 Force Powers
Name Text Chars Set
Controls Shatter 1 Force 1, replaces attacks: Designate 1 adjacent door as open; it remains open for the rest of the skirmish and cannot be closed 1 UA
Dominant Force Grab 3 Force 3, replaces turn: this character may move each lower-cost enemy within 4 squares up to 2 squares; 20 damage to each enemy that ends this movement adjacent to a wall 1 UA
Drain Life 4 Force 4, replaces attacks: range 6; 30 damage to target living enemy, and remove 30 damage from this character 1 UA
Environment Manipulation Force 4, replaces attacks: Once per skirmish, name an ability that deals damage. For the rest of the skirmish, when this character takes damage from that ability, he removes damage equal to the amount taken at the end of the turn. 1 UA
Force 1 1 RS
Force 2 2 RS
Force 3 1 RS
Force 4 2 RS
Force Bubble Force 1: When this character takes damage, reduce the damage dealt by 20 1 LotF
Force Push 2 Force 2, replaces attacks: range 6; 20 damage; push back target 2 squares if Huge or smaller 1 TFU
Force Renewal 1 This character gets 1 Force point each time it activates 3 RS
Force Sense Force 1, usable only on this character's turn: Enemy characters lose Stealth for the rest of the round 1 CotF
Force Sense 3 Force 3, usable only on this character's turn: Enemy characters lose Stealth and Cloaked for the rest of the round 1 UA
Force Weapon Force 1, replaces attacks: +10 Damage until the end of the skirmish 1 AE
Illusion Force 1: When hit by an attack, this character takes no damage unless the attacker makes a save of 11 1 LotF
Knight Speed Force 1: This character can move 4 extra squares on its turn as part of its move 1 UH
Lightsaber Assault Force 1, replaces attacks: Make 2 attacks 1 RotS
Lightsaber Defense Force 1: When hit by an attack, this character takes no damage with a save of 11 2 JA
Lightsaber Sweep Force 1, replaces attacks: Can attack each adjacent enemy once 1 RS
Master of the Force 2 May spend Force points up to 2 times in a single turn 3 CotF
Showing 1 - 20 of 20 Force Powers

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