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Balance in the Force (v21 main)


30 Characters
Showing 1 - 30 of 30 Characters
# * Name Rarity Cost HitPoints Defense Atk Dmg Special Abilities Force Powers CE Rating
BitF 1 Old Republic Raskta Lsu VR 60 120 22 15 20 Unique, Army of Light, Melee Attack, Triple Attack, Greater Mobile Attack, Versatile Duelist Force 5, Lightsaber Defense, Lightsaber Protection 2 Has CE 8.50 (2)
BitF 2 Old Republic Revanchist Jedi Master C 29 90 19 12 20 Jedi Crusader, Melee Attack, Triple Attack, Backlash, Soldier, Force-Attuned Armor, Rapport (Jedi Crusaders, -1) Force 3, Controls Shatter 1, Force Grip 2, Lightsaber Defense 7.70 (10)
BitF 3 Old Republic SIS Spy C 18 50 16 7 10 Stealth, Soldier, Deceptive, Infiltrate, Mines 20 7.50 (4)
BitF 4 Sith Lady Olaris Rhea R 29 90 19 10 20 Unique, Lost Tribe, Melee Attack, Twin Attack, Force Bond (n/c Vestara > FR 1), Synergy +4 (+4 Att/Def, n/c Vestara), Jedi Hatred +10 Force 3, Force Renewal 1, Foresee The Future, Telekinesis Has CE 8.50 (2)
BitF 5 Sith Naga Sadow, Sith Lord VR 58 130 21 14 20 Unique, Melee Attack, Double Attack, Stealth, Intuition, Rapport (Massassi, Sith Med Sphere, -5), Virulent Poison +20 Force 3, Force Renewal 1, Master of the Force 2, Master Illusion, Sith Alchemy 3, Sith Battle Meditation Has CE 6.20 (5)
BitF 6 Sith Sith Eternal Lance Corporal C 15 40 17 8 20 Sith Eternal, Squad Assault, Squad Breach, Squad Member, Trooper (Sith Trooper) 5.67 (3)
BitF 7 Republic Governor Sio Bibble VR 12 50 15 0 0 Unique, Cloaked, Pacifism Has CE 8.83 (6)
BitF 8 Republic Naboo Security Captain UC 20 60 17 8 10 Royal Naboo Security Forces, Dive to Cover, Twin Attack Has CE 8.50 (2)
BitF 9 Republic Sabé VR 12 40 16 7 10 Unique, Royal Handmaiden, Double Attack, Aggressive Negotiations, Padmé's Decoy, Padmé's Double, Synergy +4 (n/c Padme or Amidala, +4 Att/Def) Has CE 8.00 (3)
BitF 10 Separatists AAT-1 Hover Tank UC 40 140 14 8 30 Droid, Rigid, Damage Reduction 10, Dual Weapon Use, Light Blaster Cannons, Mounted Weapon, Siege Weapon, Stable Footing 9.00 (2)
BitF 11 Separatists Daultay Dofine VR 15 40 14 1 10 Unique, Melee Attack, Droid Coordinator, Haor Chall Collaborator Has CE 8.60 (5)
BitF 12 Separatists Tol Skorr R 30 90 18 10 20 Unique, Melee Attack, Double Attack, Greater Mobile Attack, Camaraderie (named Sora Bulq > GMA), Force-Attuned Armor, Shii-Cho Style Force 4, Force Choke 2, Indiscriminate Rage, Lightsaber Defense 9.00 (4)
BitF 13 Rebel Rogue One Corporal C 21 50 15 8 20 Stealth, Grenades 30, Weapons Expert Has CE 8.00 (1)
BitF 14 Rebel SpecForce Officer UC 17 50 16 8 10 Speed 8, Cloaked, Cunning Attack, Specialization (SpecForce > Speed 8) Has CE 9.00 (1)
BitF 15 Rebel New Republic Wes Janson R 22 70 17 9 20 Unique, Pilot, Double Attack, Mobile Attack, Accurate Shot, Affinity (New Republic), Survival Expert +2, Synergy +2 (+2 Def, Wraith Squadron followers), Wraith Squadron 8.00 (1)
BitF 16 Imperial Death Squad Commander UC 22 40 14 10 10 Death Star Trooper, Imperial Navy Trooper, Coordinated Command (n/c Death Star > Relay Orders), Death Squad, Frequency Amplification, Rapport (-10 named, w/Wilhuff Tarkin), Relay Orders Has CE 8.50 (2)
BitF 17 Imperial Ganner Krieg R 31 90 18 11 20 Unique, Imperial Knight, Melee Attack, Twin Attack, Allegiance (Antares Draco, UN Imp Knights > Twin Atk), Coordinated Movement (Imp Knight ally), Cortosis Gauntlet 18, Synergy +2 (+2/+2 n/c Antares Draco/Azlyn Rae) Force 2, Force Renewal 1, Lightsaber Block, Knight Speed 9.33 (3)
BitF 18 Imperial Turr Phennir R 27 70 17 11 10 Unique, 181st Pilot, Twin Attack, Evade, Opportunist, Squad Discipline, Squad Member, Willing to Serve Has CE 7.60 (5)
BitF 19 New Republic Jedi Supervisor UC 10 40 16 5 10 Galactic Alliance, Relay Orders Has CE 4.00 (5)
BitF 20 New Republic Praxeum Student C 11 20 14 2 20 Melee Attack Force 2, Force Pull 2 7.00 (2)
BitF 21 New Republic Valin Horn VR 22 80 18 10 20 Unique, Musician, Melee Attack, Double Attack, Empathy, Rapport (Savages, -2) Force 3, Lightsaber Defense, Savage Force Dominate 8.33 (3)
BitF 22 Fringe Formbi, Chiss Aristocra R 24 60 17 8 10 Unique, Double Attack, Stealth, Ambush, Cunning Attack, Disciplined Leader, Inside Information Has CE 9.00 (2)
BitF 23 Fringe Haxion Brood Commando C 29 80 17 8 20 Double Attack, Bounty Hunter +4, Cyborg, Flash Grenade, Impact Wave, Lightsaber Duelist, Quick Strike, Weapons Expert 8.33 (3)
BitF 24 Fringe Mudhorn UC 41 140 18 11 30 Melee Attack, Speed 8, Savage, Battering Assault +10, Damage Reduction 20, Huge Walker, Weak Spots 10 8.00 (2)
BitF 25 Mandalorians Montross R 54 110 20 11 20 Unique, Double Attack, Greater Mobile Attack, Assassin, Beskar'gam 6, Bounty Hunter +2, Flight, Improved Missiles 20, Independent Outfit, Overload, Rival (Death Watch or n/c Jango Fett 9.33 (3)
BitF 26 Mandalorians Neo-Crusader Veteran C 27 50 17 11 20 Neo-Crusader, Beskar'gam, Battlefield Experience, Rapport (Te ani'la, OG Canderous, Cassus Fett, -4), Single-Shot Blaster, Triple Attack 9.00 (1)
BitF 27 Mandalorians Tarre Vizsla R 56 140 22 15 20 Unique, Melee Attack, Triple Attack, Beskar'gam 6, Darksaber, Parry Force 3, Force Renewal 1, Master of the Force 2, Knight Speed, Lightsaber Throw 2, Lightsaber Reflect (all damage) Has CE 7.20 (10)
BitF 28 Yuuzhan Vong Domain Jamaane Shaper C 16 50 16 8 10 Yuuzhan Vong Warrior, Melee Attack, Charging Assault +10, Force Immunity, Vonduun Crab Armor 16, Vonduun Crab Shaper 7.50 (2)
BitF 29 Yuuzhan Vong Nagme, Master Shaper VR 22 50 17 8 20 Unique, Melee Attack, Force Immunity, Master Shaper, Rapport (Commander Tsalok, -8), Thud Bug, Torture 2 Has CE 7.00 (1)
BitF 30 Yuuzhan Vong Shimrra Jamaane VR 51 140 19 12 20 Unique, Melee Attack, Triple Attack, Doctrine of Fear, Rapport (Yuuzhan Vong Slayer, -5), Synergy +2 (+2 Atk/ named YV Slayer), Tactician +4, Vonduun Crab Armor 6 Has CE 9.50 (2)
Showing 1 - 30 of 30 Characters
126 Special Abilities (31 New)
Showing 1 - 126 of 126 Special Abilities
Name Text Chars Set
181st Pilot Counts as a character named 181st Imperial Pilot 1 PotDS
Accurate Shot Can attack an enemy with cover even if it's not the nearest enemy 1 RS
Affinity May be in a New Republic squad 1 LotF
Aggressive Negotiations This character is considered to have Diplomat until it makes an attack or is targeted by an enemy character. Characters with Ambush, Backlash, or It's a Trap! can ignore this ability for the purpose of attacking this character. 1 RaR
Allegiance If your squad contained an ally named Antares Draco immediately before the first activation of the skirmish, Unique Imperial Knight allies gain Twin Attack 1 BitF
Ambush This character can move and then make all its attacks against 1 enemy who has not activated this round 1 UH
Army of Light 1 AaO
Assassin +4 Attack and +10 Damage against living enemies 1 RaR
Backlash This character can move and then make all of its attacks against 1 enemy who has already activated this round 1 RaR
Battering Assault +10 Replaces turn: This character can move up to double speed, then attack each adjacent target once at +10 Damage. Determine legal targets before making the first attack roll. Huge or smaller characters hit by this attack are pushed back 2 squares from this character. This movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity. 1 RTP
Battlefield Experience Replaces turn: This character and Neo-Crusader allies within 6 squares get +4 Attack and +4 Defense until the end of this character's next turn 1 BitF
Beskar'gam When this character takes damage, it reduces the damage dealt by 10 with a save of 11 1 DotF
Beskar'gam 6 When this character takes damage, it reduces the damage dealt by 10 with a save of 6 2 Epic2
Bounty Hunter +2 +2 Attack against Unique enemies 1 BH
Bounty Hunter +4 +4 Attack against Unique enemies 1 RS
Camaraderie An ally named Sora Bulq gains Greater Mobile Attack 1 BitF
Charging Assault +10 Replaces turn: Can move up to double speed, then make an attack at +10 Damage against an adjacent enemy 1 UH
Cloaked If this character has cover, it cannot be targeted by nonadjacent enemies 2 KotOR
Coordinated Command Allies whose names contain Death Star gain Relay Orders 1 BitF
Coordinated Movement At the end of this character's turn, 1 Imperial Knight ally may immediately move up to 2 squares 1 BitF
Cortosis Gauntlet 18 Whenever this character rolls 18 or better on a save when using Lightsaber Block against an enemy with a lightsaber, that enemy gets -20 Damage for the rest of the skirmish 1 LotF
Cunning Attack +4 Attack and +10 Damage against an enemy who has not activated this round 2 RS
Cyborg Counts as both a Droid and a non-Droid; living; subject to critical hits and commander effects 1 CS
Damage Reduction 10 Whenever this character takes damage, reduce the damage dealt by 10. Attacks with lightsabers ignore this special ability. 1 UH
Damage Reduction 20 Whenever this character takes damage from a nonadjacent enemy, reduce the damage dealt by 20. Attacks with lightsabers ignore this special ability. 1 AT
Darksaber +20 Damage against adjacent enemies; this counts as a melee attack with a lightsaber 1 Ven
Death Squad Allies named Death Star Trooper count as named Imperial Navy Trooper for purposes of special abilities 1 BitF
Death Star Trooper 1 BitF
Deceptive +10 Damage against an enemy who has activated this round 1 TFU
Disciplined Leader This character's commander effect cannot be suppressed 1 Ven
Dive to Cover If this character ends its turn adjacent to low objects or a square bordered by a closed door or wall, it can immediately move into that square 1 THG
Doctrine of Fear Enemy characters within 6 squares get -4 Attack 1 AE
Double Attack On its turn, this character can make 1 extra attack instead of moving 8 RS
Droid Immune to critical hits; not subject to commander effects 1 RS
Droid Coordinator Non-Unique Droid allies gain Speed 8 1 TFU
Dual Weapon Use Replaces attacks: Make an attack, then use one other special ability that replaces attacks 1 EA
Empathy Allies with Savage within 6 squares lose Savage 1 UH
Evade When hit by an attack from a nonadjacent enemy, this character takes no damage with a save of 11 1 CS
Flash Grenade Replaces attacks: range 6; target enemy and each adjacent enemy get -4 Attack until the end of the round; save 11 1 GH
Flight Ignores difficult terrain, enemy characters, low objects, and pits when moving 1 RS
Force Bond An ally whose name contains Vestara gains Force Renewal 1 1 BitF
Force Immunity Enemies cannot affect this character with Force powers, or spend Force points to reroll attacks against this character or to respond to this character's attacks and abilities 2 UH
Force-Attuned Armor Whenever this character takes damage, it reduces the damage by 10 with a save of 11 2 JA
Frequency Amplification Ranges of allied commander effects are extended by 2 squares 1 GH
Galactic Alliance 1 WaS
Greater Mobile Attack Can move both before and after attacking. This character can make extra attacks even if it moves this turn, but it must make them all before resuming movement. 3 LotF
Grenades 30 Replaces attacks: range 6; 30 damage to target and to each character adjacent to that target; save 11 1 LotF
Haor Chall Collaborator Huge Separatist Droid allies gain Splash 20 1 BitF
Huge Walker Ignores Medium or smaller characters while moving 1 VoW
Impact Wave At the end of this character's turn, he may immediately push back adjacent Huge or smaller characters to 3 squares away 1 UA
Imperial Knight 1 LotF
Imperial Navy Trooper 1 BitF
Improved Missiles 20 Replaces attacks, sight: 20 damage to target and to each character adjacent to that target; save 16 1 Ven
Independent Outfit Also counts as a Fringe character for the purpose of commander effects 1 DT
Infiltrate Once per skirmish, at the beginning of this character's turn, you may choose one enemy commander effect. This character is now subject to that commander effect regardless of restrictions. This effect lasts until the end of the round. 1 BitF
Inside Information Replaces attacks: If this character has line of sight to an enemy at the start of his turn, 10 damage to any 1 enemy in an opponent's starting zone; save 16 1 FFA
Intuition Once per round, after initiative is determined, this character can immediately move up to its speed before any other character activates 1 BH
Jedi Crusader 1 BitF
Jedi Hatred +10 +10 Damage against enemies with Force ratings 1 SnV
Light Blaster Cannons Replaces attacks: Make 2 attacks, at +10 Attack for 10 Damage. Cannot gain abilities while making these attacks. 1 BitF
Lightsaber Duelist +4 Defense when attacked by an adjacent enemy with a Force rating 1 CS
Lost Tribe 1 CotG
Master Shaper Choose one Yuuzhan Vong ally, that character gets +4 Attack and +10 Damage and gains Demolish for the rest of the skirmish 1 DotF
Melee Attack Can attack only adjacent enemies 14 RS
Mines 20 An enemy that moves adjacent to this character takes 20 damage; save 11 1 CW
Mobile Attack Can move both before and after attacking 1 RS
Mounted Weapon Only allies with Mounted Weapon or adjacent allies with Gunner can combine fire with this character 1 RotS
Musician 1 LTA
Neo-Crusader 1 WaS
Opportunist +4 Attack and +10 Damage against an enemy who has activated this round 1 UH
Overload Can use 2 abilities that replace attacks instead of 1 on its turn 1 CotG
Pacifism Replaces attacks: range 6; target enemy cannot attack this round; save 11 1 DIP
Padmé's Decoy Whenever a small or medium ally within 6 squares whose name contains Padmé or Amidala is targeted, this character may switch positions with that character. This character becomes the target instead. 1 RaR
Padmé's Double This character counts as a character whose name contains Padmé or Amidala for the purposes of special abilities whose names contain Padmé or Amidala 1 BitF
Parry When hit by a melee attack, this character takes no damage with a save of 11 1 BH
Pilot 1 AE
Quick Strike +10 Damage against adjacent enemies if this character has moved on its turn 1 RTP
Rapport A character named Commander Tsalok costs 8 less when in the same squad as this character 1 BitF
Rapport Characters named Te Ani'la Mand'alor, Canderous Ordo, or Cassus Fett cost 4 less when in the same squad as this character 1 BitF
Rapport Characters named Yuuzhan Vong Slayer cost 5 less when in a squad with this character 1 BitF
Rapport Characters whose names contain Massassi or Sith Meditation Sphere cost 5 less when in the same squad as this character 1 BitF
Rapport Costs 10 less in the same squad as a character named Wilhuff Tarkin 1 BitF
Rapport Jedi Crusader allies cost 1 less when in the same squad as this character 1 BitF
Rapport Savage characters cost 2 less when in the same squad as this character 1 BitF
Relay Orders Each allied commander can count distance from this character as well as from itself for the purpose of commander effects 2 IE
Rigid Can't squeeze 1 RotS
Rival Cannot be in a squad that contains any Death Watch character or any character whose name contains Jango Fett 1 BitF
Royal Handmaiden 1 BitF
Royal Naboo Security Forces 1 BoT
Savage This character must end its move next to an enemy if it can and does not benefit from commander effects 1 RS
Shii-Cho Style +4 Attack and +4 Defense when 3 or more enemies are within 6 squares 1 GaW
Siege Weapon Replaces attacks: Choose a square within line of sight and 12 squares; 30 damage to characters in or adjacent to that square; save 11 reduces the damage to 10. All doors bordering that square are then designated as open; they remain open for the rest of the skirmish and cannot be closed. 1 WaS
Single-Shot Blaster This character cannot gain Twin Attack 1 Ven
Sith Eternal 1 ATTA
Soldier Counts as a character named Old Republic Soldier 2 KotOR
Specialization SpecForce allies gain Speed 8. Ignore this ability if any ally counts as having the same name as another ally. 1 BitF
Speed 8 Can move up to 8 squares and attack, or 16 squares without attacking 2 RotS
Squad Assault +4 Attack while 3 allies with the same name as this character are within 6 squares 1 KotOR
Squad Breach While 3 allies with the same name as this character are within 6 squares, this character gains Breach 1 BitF
Squad Discipline Ignores enemy abilities that suppress commander effects while 3 allies with the same name as this character are within 6 squares 1 AaO
Squad Member Counts as having the same name as any ally for purposes of special abilities whose names contain Squad. Gains abilities whose names contain Squad from allies within 6 squares. 2 AaO
Stable Footing Not slowed by difficult terrain or low objects 1 LotF
Stealth If this character has cover, it does not count as the nearest enemy for an attacker farther than 6 squares when choosing targets 4 RS
Survival Expert +2 +2 to this character's save rolls 1 UA
Synergy +2 +2 Attack and +2 Defense for each ally whose name contains Antares Draco or Azlyn Rae within 6 squares 1 BitF
Synergy +2 Allies named Yuuzhan Vong Slayer get +2 Attack while within 6 squares of this character 1 BitF
Synergy +2 Wraith Squadron followers within 6 squares get +2 Defense 1 BitF
Synergy +4 +4 Attack and +4 Defense while an allied character whose name contains Vestara is within 6 squares 1 BitF
Synergy +4 An ally whose name contains Padmé or Amidala gets +4 Attack while within 6 squares of this character 1 BitF
Tactician +4 Add +4 to the initiative roll except on a roll of 1 1 DotF
Thud Bug Replaces attacks: range 6; 10 damage, living target is considered activated this round; save 11 negates. Huge and larger characters ignore the nondamaging effect. 1 UH
Torture 2 When an adjacent living enemy takes damage from an attack by this character, it gets -2 Attack and -2 Defense for the rest of the skirmish. (this ability stacks) 1 Ven
Triple Attack On its turn, this character can make 2 extra attacks instead of moving 5 RS
Trooper Counts as a character named Sith Trooper 1 KotOR
Twin Attack Whenever this character attacks, it makes 1 extra attack against the same target 4 BH
Unique 16 RS
Versatile Duelist At the start of this character's turn, choose a special ability whose name contains Style from an ally within 6 squares. This character gains the chosen special ability until the start of its next turn. 1 BitF
Virulent Poison +20 +20 Damage to living enemy; save 16 1 JA
Vonduun Crab Armor 16 When this character takes damage, it can reduce the damage dealt by 10 with a save of 16 1 UH
Vonduun Crab Armor 6 When this character takes damage, it can reduce the damage dealt by 10 with a save of 6 1 UH
Vonduun Crab Shaper Allies within 6 squares with Vonduun Crab Armor get +4 Defense against nonadjacent enemies 1 GH
Weak Spots 10 This character's Damage Reduction is reduced to 10 against attacks from adjacent enemies 1 AT
Weapons Expert Once per turn on its turn, this character can use a special ability that replaces attacks without replacing attacks 2 THG
Willing to Serve Counts as a follower for purposes of allied commander effects 1 TOR
Wraith Squadron If a character whose name contains Wedge or Kell Tainer is in the same squad, this character gains Charging Assault +10 1 WaS
Yuuzhan Vong Warrior Counts as a character named Yuuzhan Vong Warrior 1 MotF
Showing 1 - 126 of 126 Special Abilities
23 Force Powers (3 New)
Showing 1 - 23 of 23 Force Powers
Name Text Chars Set
Controls Shatter 1 Force 1, replaces attacks: Designate 1 adjacent door as open; it remains open for the rest of the skirmish and cannot be closed 1 UA
Force 2 2 RS
Force 3 5 RS
Force 4 1 RS
Force 5 1 RS
Force Choke 2 Force 2, replaces attacks: range 6; Move target Large or smaller enemy adjacent to this character. That enemy takes 20 damage. 1 TFA
Force Grip 2 Force 2, replaces attacks: sight; 20 damage 1 IE
Force Pull 2 Force 2, replaces attacks: range 6; Move target Large or smaller enemy adjacent to this character. Make an immediate attack against that enemy. 1 Ven
Force Renewal 1 This character gets 1 Force point each time it activates 4 RS
Foresee The Future Force 1: Once per round, before initiative is determined, if this character has line of sight to an enemy, your opponent rolls one additional die for initiative and must choose the lowest roll 1 PotDS
Indiscriminate Rage Force 1: +2 Attack and +10 Damage until the end of this character's turn. At the end of that turn, make a save of 11. If the save fails, this character gains Savage. 1 DT
Knight Speed Force 1: This character can move 4 extra squares on its turn as part of its move 2 UH
Lightsaber Block Force 1: When hit by a melee attack, this character takes no damage with a save of 11 1 CS
Lightsaber Defense Force 1: When hit by an attack, this character takes no damage with a save of 11 4 JA
Lightsaber Protection 2 Force 2: This turn, when this character would take over 10 damage, reduce the damage to 10. The reduced damage cannot be prevented or redirected. 1 UF
Lightsaber Reflect Force 2: When hit by a nonmelee attack, this character takes no damage with a save of 11 and the attacker takes damage equal to the prevented damage; save 11 1 IE
Lightsaber Throw 2 Force 2, replaces attacks: Choose 1 target enemy within range 6. Make 2 attacks against that target. 1 KotOR
Master Illusion Force 2: When hit by an attack, this character takes no damage unless the attacker makes a save of 16 1 GH
Master of the Force 2 May spend Force points up to 2 times in a single turn 2 CotF
Savage Force Dominate Force 1, replace attacks: sight; Target character with Savage takes an immediate turn under your control, which does not count as an activation for the round; save 16. The target character cannot move this turn. 1 BitF
Sith Alchemy 3 Force 3, replaces attacks: Target living Medium or smaller enemy with 30 Hit Points or less remaining within 6 squares is defeated. You can immediately add a character whose name contains Massassi to your squad. The new character sets up in the square that enemy formerly occupied. 1 BitF
Sith Battle Meditation Force 2, replaces attacks: Until the start of this character's next turn, this character gains the following Force ability: Sith allies with Melee Attack get +4 Attack and gain Extra Attack 1 BitF
Telekinesis Force 2: When hit by an attack, this character takes no damage and cannot be targeted for the rest of this turn unless the attacker makes a save of 11 1 TFA
Showing 1 - 23 of 23 Force Powers

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